How I started writing poems

Gopika Joshi
2 min readJan 3, 2022


Before I start it over, let me travel back to my journey of poetry. Back in school days, I wasn’t a fan of English literatures, but, yes I have enjoyed the poems that I had in my syllabus. Some used to put me in awe, I was astonished by the rhyme schemes, the metaphors, the similes and I never ever thought that i would write something like that one day.

I wrote my first poem during my graduation, the beginning is always hardest. It wasn’t a good one but, i could sense the beginning of something with my first draft. My poem was born out of a random, I never knew how to write, the steps, nothing. I felt like a push from inside that you should do it. Here is my first poem (image)

I always wonder even now and this question used to put me deep into thoughts — are poets born or made? What do you think is the answer? please drop your comments below.

I haven’t mastered any poetry lessons neither have I tried to learn the basics, not even once. But, I was able to write it, so I am someone who strongly believes that poets are born not made. Here’s my latest poem (image)

“ Poems are like the intricate pieces of your broken heart that brings out the power to heal thyself ” — Gopika joshi

My journey with poetry has been beautiful and an easy ride, it was like finding my own self. Poetry is now my kith and kin, something that I rely on when in despair. Believe me, writing a single poem puts my thousands of worries at away. I would like to conclude by saying that — Explore yourself with various passions and interests, If you feel that you have a poet inside you, then Hola… Welcome to the club. Keep writing and spread the love !

