94 days… in 6 minutes.

3 min readOct 16, 2015


We’re not exactly strangers to pitching our startup, but this time it’s a lot different and the stakes are much higher.

The Goquets team pitches in May 2015.

The Iowa Startup Accelerator’s mentors and surrounding community have pushed us and given plenty of support since Goquets was selected as 1 of 9 national teams to take part in the 2015 cohort. Now it’s on us to show what we’ve taken in from the experience as we step onto the stage for Launch Day on November 5th.

As we learned from our friends who produced rock star pitches at past launch days (i.e. Men’s Style Lab and Bawte), it takes a lot of practice and even more fine tuning. Since coming to the ISA, we’ve pitched at least a few times a week, including to the Cedar Rapids Rotary as well as 1 Million Cups Cedar Rapids. Each time, we find ways to refine the pitch more and more, including new ideas that we believe might better define who we are and the problem we’re trying to solve.

New material for our Launch Day pitch means that certain elements you may have seen in our past pitches have to go as we work our pitch into the 6-minute format (it’s sad, especially as we worked so hard on those slides and talking points, you know?!).

Oh well. Life goes on and as a startup, we always have to be willing to evolve as we learn.

That said, there is one element of our pitch deck that will definitely stick around. After all, the fact that #1800FlowersFail is actually a thing means we can’t leave out gems like this:

Check out our recent blog post for more of these on our new site.

Speaking of our new site, THANK YOU to everyone who helped with feedback and testing by sending new orders through as soon as we launched the new version on Friday (and in particular, Brian Rupert for developing it for us). We’re pleased not only with the new site, but with the awesome flowers that have resulted from it:

(Cheers to you David, good call to hook up Mrs. Tominsky before the weekend!)


At Goquets, we’re working to become the easiest way to order flowers online. Stop wasting time scrolling through galleries only to see the flowers that are delivered look nothing like the photo you spent ages choosing. Tell us the details you actually care about — who it’s for, what the occasion is, and how much you want to spend and we’ll work with a local florist to build a beautiful, one-of-a-kind bouquet.

Stay tuned each week as we continue to talk about our experience going through a 3-month accelerator for Goquets at the Iowa Startup Accelerator in Cedar Rapids.

Other Updates:

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |

Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10

Reach out to us with any questions or thoughts:

Email Us: hello@goquets.com

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An easy way to order flowers online from local florists when time is of the essence.