Busy is a relative term.

4 min readSep 9, 2015

One month in means we’re only 2 months away from Shawn jumping on stage to present Goquets on Launch Day. As we’re in the throes of building our businesses, it’s not uncommon, and sometimes a little much, to hear people talk about their crazy schedules and how busy they are (and I’m just as guilty). While there can be negative connotations, I believe busyness really is all about how you approach it. These past few weeks alone we’ve gotten a crash course in everything from Google Analytics to defining our Sales Cycle to breaking down how financial savviness can make or break your company.

Going through an accelerator basically means we’re being pulled in a thousand different directions all at once, and now it’s our job to figure out how to manage our priorities.

But let’s face it, in reality busy is still a relative term.

For the teacher, busy means constantly working on lesson plans, interacting with all kinds of personalities, and trying to make sure what you’re teaching has an impact on your students.

For the musician, busy means being on the road constantly, promoting, recording, and always having to be ‘on’ once it’s show time to make an impact on your audience.

For the entrepreneur, busy means a lot of research and discovery, making sure you’re building something the world needs, throwing ideas against the wall to see what sticks, all to make an impact on the lives of your customers.

We are all busy in our own ways. To our peers, we say we are busy because that’s what showcases our work ethic. To ourselves, we are busy because we know that’s how we can make an impact on what we care about.

With Goquets, busy for us means we’re staying active trying to steer our company in the right direction. These past two weeks we’ve been focused on learning how to grow our company through various channels (i.e. Content Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Referrals, etc.), as well as testing a few types of marketing campaigns and seeing what sticks. As we dive into these more, I suppose you could say our busyness might increase, but as long as we continue to work towards making an impact on the lives of our customers, I’m okay with busy.

#CyHawk Selfies

Who are you rooting for? Tweet at us & let us know!

For those of you not from Iowa, this is a pretty big week in college football. Our two biggest universities, Iowa State University and University of Iowa are playing on Saturday so naturally Team Goquets had to get in on the fun with our very own #CyHawk Selfie Challenge.

By the way, if there’s one word that makes Shawn cringe, it’s the word “Selfie”, which for me has made this week even more fun trying to get him to say it as often as possible for my own personal enjoyment. Can you tell who we’re rooting for this weekend? We’re in enemy territory over here in Eastern Iowa!

Also, don’t forget that it’s Grandparent’s Day this weekend! This is a great time to show your grandparents how much you appreciate them with a simple gesture (while also getting points for being the best grandkid)! If that simple gesture is flowers, feel free to use the code GRANDPARENTS this week to get a special 10% discount off your purchase.

Until next week!



At Goquets, we’re working to become the easiest way to order flowers online. Stop wasting time scrolling through galleries only to see the flowers that are delivered look nothing like the photo you spent ages choosing. Tell us the details you actually care about — who it’s for, what the occasion is, and how much you want to spend and we’ll work with a local florist to build a beautiful, one-of-a-kind bouquet.

Stay tuned each week as we continue to talk about our experience going through a 3-month accelerator for Goquets at the Iowa Startup Accelerator in Cedar Rapids.

Other Updates: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5

Reach out to us with any questions or thoughts:

Email Us: hello@goquets.com

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Thanks to Director of the Iowa Economic Development Authority Debi Durham for stopping by the accelerator!




An easy way to order flowers online from local florists when time is of the essence.