How to Make More Money from Rental Property Investment

Gord Collins — AI Marketing
3 min readMar 3, 2018


Congratulations on your choice to invest in one of the hottest and most interesting sectors in the US. Real property is profitable and fun.

The US economy is strong and looks like it has the legs to continue for quite a while. Sure, Trump’s plans will raise interest rates, inflation, and grow national debt. However, it appears spending will take place over a good length of time which should not create excession inflation. And the FED has already said it will not allow inflation to get out of control.

Townhouse condos in high price Los Angeles

While home and and apartment prices are elevated, the average American home buyer doens’t have the financial capability to buy a home. They will have to rent for some time. Prices aren’t falling, in fact, houses have continued to climb in value despite the construction of homes and multifamily apartment units.

Big Demand for US Real Estate

It’s not just Americans buying property in the US. Foreign buyers are eyeing investment opportunities just as corporations are pouring money back into US industries.

While wages are growing, and the numbers of Millennials and Babyboomers looking for rental properties are growing, the supply simply can’t keep up. So the market for rental property investors looks promising. You might not receive the 30% to 40% returns some were getting a few years ago, but there’s some great possibilities.

Amazing, creative living spaces are sprouting up everywhere

Apartment Prices to Rise

Check out the apartment rental prices in many US cities, and you’ll find hot locations for investing. In these cities, such as Austin, Dallas, Denver, and Los Angeles, the apartment prices are pushing higher. See the new US Rental Property Market report for 2018 and then drill down into specific cities, neighborhoods and street locations where you can find the best potential properties.

After you’ve found and purchased your next rental property, ensure you use a good property management software to help automate your property maintenance and keep an eye on expenses and work orders. It can be easy with the right automation and tenant management software.

If you’re a landlord or tenant, advise your property manager to consider switching to a good property management solution. ManageCasa is one solution for those who want something simplified, efficient, and low cost. It’s the best in breed for small property portfolios.

ManageCasa Rental Property Management Software Solution (cloud based)

Need to know more about the US Housing Market?



Gord Collins — AI Marketing

Gord’s marketing roots are in content strategy and SEO, 2 of the best ways to generate engaged customers to grow sales. AI marketing is his next career step.