Remarkably Bright Creatures: A Summary of Their Intelligence

Gordon K.
4 min readApr 9, 2024


I recently read Shelby Van Pelt’s debut novel, “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” and was captivated by the story of Tova Sullivan, an elderly aquarium cleaner who befriends a highly intelligent octopus.

The novel explores themes of friendship, family secrets, and hope, and is set in the small town of Sowell Bay, Washington.

Shelby Van Pelt’s debut novel, “Remarkably Bright Creatures,”

The story follows Tova as she copes with the loss of her husband and the disappearance of her son, Erik. Her quiet life at the aquarium is disrupted when she discovers the octopus, whom she names Marcellus, has a remarkable ability to communicate with her. As Tova forms a deep bond with Marcellus, she begins to uncover secrets about her own family and the town she lives in.

Overall, “Remarkably Bright Creatures” is a moving and thought-provoking novel that explores the complexities of human relationships and the wonders of the natural world. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys character-driven stories with a touch of magic.

Key Takeaways

  • “Remarkably Bright Creatures” is Shelby Van Pelt’s debut novel.
  • The story follows Tova Sullivan, an elderly aquarium cleaner who befriends an intelligent octopus.
  • The novel explores themes of friendship, family secrets, and hope, and is set in the small town of Sowell Bay, Washington.

Characters and Relationships

Tova Sullivan’s Journey

Tova Sullivan is the protagonist of “Remarkably Bright Creatures.” She is a lonely elderly woman who works as a cleaner at the local aquarium in Sowell Bay, Washington. Her husband has passed away, and her son, Erik, is presumed dead. Tova’s journey throughout the novel is one of self-discovery and healing. She forms an unlikely friendship with Marcellus, an intelligent octopus, and together they learn about the importance of connection and belonging.

Marcellus: The Intelligent Octopus

Marcellus is a remarkable character in “Remarkably Bright Creatures.” He is an intelligent octopus who forms a deep bond with Tova. Marcellus is named by Terry’s daughter, and his intelligence is highlighted by the plaque nearby. Marcellus has been in captivity for a long time, and his life span is only four years. He is a symbol of the importance of connection and the power of friendship.

Supporting Cast Dynamics

The supporting cast in “Remarkably Bright Creatures” is diverse and dynamic. Cameron, Tova’s son’s girlfriend, is a member of the knit-wits, a group of women who knit together. Elle, Tova’s friend, is a cancer survivor who works at the aquarium. Lars, Tova’s brother, is a real estate developer from Seattle. Ethan Mack is an author who visits the aquarium to research his next book. The relationships between these characters are complex and nuanced, highlighting the importance of community and family.

Overall, “Remarkably Bright Creatures” is a touching novel about the power of connection and the importance of belonging. The characters are well-developed and dynamic, and their relationships are complex and nuanced. Tova’s journey is one of self-discovery and healing, and Marcellus is a remarkable character who highlights the intelligence and importance of octopuses.

Themes and Setting

Exploring Loss and Grief

In “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” the theme of loss and grief is explored through the character of Tova, a widow who has lost both her husband and son. Tova’s grief is compounded by the fact that her son Erik disappeared just before his 18th birthday, leaving behind a small boat that washed ashore with his prints on it. The mystery of Erik’s disappearance weighs heavily on Tova, and she is haunted by the idea that he may have committed suicide.

The Search for Freedom and Belonging

Another major theme in the novel is the search for freedom and belonging. Tova finds a sense of belonging and purpose in her job as a cleaner at the Sowell Bay Aquarium, where she forms a surprising bond with an intelligent octopus named Marcellus McSquiddles. Marcellus, who has spent most of his life in captivity, longs for freedom and the opportunity to explore the vastness of the sea.

Life at Sowell Bay Aquarium

The Sowell Bay Aquarium serves as a unique setting for the novel, providing a glimpse into the busy and often chaotic world of marine life. The aquarium is located in the Pacific Northwest, in the small town of Sowell Bay, Washington. The town is situated on Puget Sound, a body of water that is home to a diverse range of sea creatures, including the giant Pacific octopus.

At the aquarium, Tova works the night shift, cleaning the tanks and observing the various species of marine life. Her curmudgeonly boss, Simon Brinks, is initially skeptical of her ability to handle the job, but she quickly proves herself to be a capable and dedicated worker.

In conclusion, “Remarkably Bright Creatures” is a feel-good and tender work of fiction that explores themes of loss, grief, and the search for freedom and belonging. The unique setting of the Sowell Bay Aquarium provides a rich backdrop for the story, and the surprising bond between Tova and Marcellus is a testament to the power of understanding and connection.

Get Shelby Van Pelt’s debut novel, “Remarkably Bright Creatures,” for free.

