Turbocharge Your Neural Networks: Discover the Top Variants of the ReLU Activation Function

Gorule Vishal Vilas
3 min readJun 8, 2024


The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is one of the most popular activation functions, but several variants have been developed to address its limitations. In this blog, we will explore four notable variants: Leaky ReLU, Parametric ReLU (PReLU), Exponential Linear Unit (ELU), and Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU).

1. Leaky ReLU:

Leaky ReLU is designed to address the "dying ReLU" problem, where neurons can become inactive and only output zero for any input. Leaky ReLU allows a small, non-zero gradient when the unit is not active.


f(x) = max (0.01x, x)


Leaky Relu and Derivative of Leaky Relu


  • Mitigates the dying ReLU problem by allowing a small gradient when the input is negative.
  • Simple to implement and computationally efficient.


  • The choice of 𝛼 is arbitrary and may need tuning.
  • A small negative slope might not be sufficient for some complex datasets.

2. Parametric ReLU (PReLU):

PReLU is a generalization of Leaky ReLU where the slope for negative values is learned during training.


f(x) = max (ax, x)


Parametric Relu and Derivative of Parametric Relu


  • The negative slope is learned, potentially providing better performance than fixed 𝛼.
  • Can adapt to different datasets during training.


  • Increases the number of parameters to learn, potentially leading to overfitting.
  • More computationally expensive than ReLU and Leaky ReLU.

3. Exponential Linear Unit (ELU):

ELU aims to improve the learning characteristics by introducing an exponential component for negative inputs.



ELU and Derivative of ELU


  • Reduces the bias shift by pushing mean activations closer to zero.
  • Provides smoother and non-zero gradients for negative inputs.


  • More computationally intensive due to the exponential operation.
  • The choice of 𝛼 impacts performance and may require tuning.

4. Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU):

SELU is designed for self-normalizing neural networks, maintaining mean and variance of the inputs to a certain range, which stabilizes training.



SELU and Derivative of SELU


  • Promotes self-normalizing properties, stabilizing training.
  • Helps in deeper neural networks by preventing exploding or vanishing gradients.


  • Requires careful initialization and parameter selection.
  • More computationally intensive due to the exponential function and scaling factor.

Each variant of ReLU offers unique benefits and addresses specific issues inherent in the standard ReLU function.

  • Leaky ReLU and PReLU aim to solve the dying ReLU problem.
  • PReLU providing a learnable parameter for more flexibility.
  • ELU introduces an exponential term to ensure non-zero gradients for negative inputs.
  • SELU brings self-normalizing properties to stabilize training in deep networks.

Selecting the appropriate activation function depends on the specific requirements of your neural network architecture and the nature of your dataset.



Gorule Vishal Vilas

🌟🔍🖼️ Passionate Computer Vision Specialist | Deep Learning Enthusiast | Unleashing AI's Potential | Artificial Intelligence And Data Science Graduate