One Weird Tip on the Motivation to Write

Be an eldritch dimension monster.

2 min readMay 21, 2024

Writing is hard

One of the most difficult parts of a righter is the paralysis of proper execution.

You’re ablaze!

Some days at least.

Because sometimes, you just can’t right.
The words never come.

So here’s one tip.

This alone is enough.

Be like an eldritch entity floating in space.

Righting is like being an eldritch space monster.

You exist.
And you want the entire universe to know.

So you scream into space.

Incoherent ideas.
Writing an unwritten manifesto.
“This is me”.
“This is what I think.”
In an ancient lost language.
You hum, you wail, and you screech.
In a logic only you can understand.
Badly poetic.
And a passionate kind of ugly.

The humans will hear you.
But nobody understands.

Even so, they heard you.

“What the 🦉 was that?”
And they fear you.

The humans need not understand you.

As long as you inflict fear upon the humans.

They will know you’re here, monster of the void.

You are heard.

That alone is enough.

The humans need not understand you.

You don’t even need to get their words write.

Even if the thought got lost into the void,
You got the emotion across,
You gave them fear, sorrow, desperation, love, and joy.

You exist.

You were heard.

That alone is enough.

You don’t have to get everything write.

In the end, it’s you.

Humans pass on ideas through both reason and feelings.

What the mind can’t understand,
A reader’s heart can catch.

So don’t worry.

Just right.


That alone is enough.




Thinking in public on Medium! Habits are overrated. I write to help you win at productivity before habit-building even begins.