Making Dreams Come True in the Metaverse

GossApe Girl
3 min readNov 12, 2022

Serena Elis was one of several artists kicking off day one of the Decentraland Metaverse Music Festival 2022. While it is her first time taking the stage at the four-day virtual festival, which features over 200 artists and 15 stages this year, Elis is no stranger to performing in the metaverse.

She is a multi-metaverse performer and has been performing in Decentraland for three years. Taking the stage at this year’s festival is a huge milestone for her.

“It feels unreal,” says Elis. “When I came to the festival last year, I told myself that I want to be up on that stage one day.”

That day arrived on November 10 as Elis took the stage for the first of two performances she is giving during the festival.

“Being part of the festival gives me hope that dreams do come true,” says Elis, “and that anything is possible no matter the obstacles one faces. I have been going three years strong in Decentraland and haven’t lost hope. This means a lot to me.”

Her first set took place at the Backstage Experience location [-63, 54] in Decentraland. To get backstage, users must complete a three-part quest to get passed the security guards and gain access to the backstage area. Upon completion of the challenges, audiences teleport up to the venue on the second level which is a smaller intimate setting.

“My set is mixed with my favorite artists’ songs,” Elis explains. “I continuously experiment with genres, visuals and my skill sets.”

Originally from New York in the United States, Elis now travels the world as she works remotely, performing genres including electronic, melodic, trance, rave, experimental, and future garage. She describes her music as a spiritual and cathartic experience that takes you into a positive world of love and hope.

Elis says that during her childhood, creativity was the only way she could let her imagination wander and that is what continues to drive and motivate her to pursue her career.

“I know I have found my purpose and true destiny,” says Elis, “and now I want to help motivate and enlighten others through my story.”

While performing at Decentraland Metaverse Music Festival definitely checks a box on her bucket list, Elis says this is really only the beginning. With metaverses opening new doors to possibilities, she is able to expand her creativity and ideas every day.

“I am working towards my dream and doing what I love most — creating and entertaining,” says Elis. “My goal is to become the best at what I do.”

You can catch Serena Elis performing live every Friday at 6:00 PM at (83, 74) in Decentraland.



GossApe Girl

The GossApe Girl is a collection of 7K unique NFTs living on the Ethereum blockchain. Our mission is to represent inclusivity, equality, and style.