





我真不敢相信! 18 秒內,我朋友圈裡 35 個人突然都成了”鍵盤俠”。




許多人整天想著多賺 300–500 美元的被動收入,卻從來沒有真正啟動過自己的事業。




醒醒吧! 懶鬼! 其實不行的是自己不願意付諸行動。

是你不去複製成功者的做法。 你是你自己事業的老闆,如果想繼續貧困平庸,那就怨不得別人,那就是自己的問題。






想要了解更多,那就趕快點擊此處➡️ 免費註冊 ⬅ 去看看「LiveGood 之旅導覽」吧!

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I swear in 18 seconds 35 people in my timeline are now cargo ship experts.

Some of y’all got time to get Tiktok educated yet ain’t taken your family on a nice vacation in years.

Your kids dying for life experiences and you’re arguing over every stupid conspiracy theory as if its gonna change your life.

How about this, when you figure out how to get paid to post on social media, and your kids are living a better life than you did… maybe then you can join the “I care about crap I can’t control” party…

Too many been trying for years to just get to that $300 — $500 residual, yet not one time ever have you actually launched your business.

Not one time have you held yourself accountable to your daily consistent actions.

Not ONE TIME EVER have you virtually knocked on thousands of doors to find your people…

Yet will openly tell people online all your frustrations about how this business don’t work or that business is a scam.

Wake up dummy! It’s you that actually won’t work.

It’s YOU that won’t duplicate with those that get started… You are the head of your business and if you want to stay poor and mediocre that’s on you…

As a matter of fact, quit. Make room for someone who actually wants to give their family so much more than what they had growing up.

Just stop being distracted by anything for a season of your life.

Turn off the TV for a Year, stop listening to the radio for a year, only read books, only listen to sales leaders audio trainings…

follow these simple steps, visit our enrollment site:


1. Watch the 5 min tour

2. Pre-enroll for free to secure a position

3. Click the green button after and choose yearly or monthly… yearly membership saves you 2 months…

Once I see you’re a member, I’ll send you the welcome launch pack.

I can’t believe I’ve gotta say this stuff.

Until you do what it takes, you’ll stay right where you are.

