How to Implement an Image Zoom Hover Effect on Wix

Go Start
2 min readFeb 12, 2024


Elevate your Wix website’s visual experience with an engaging image zoom hover effect. This feature is a game-changer, especially for e-commerce platforms, allowing visitors to magnify images for a better view of your products. It’s not just about functionality; this dynamic effect also adds a layer of interactivity and sophistication to your site, capturing users’ attention and potentially increasing engagement.

Quick Guide to Adding Zoom Hover Effect:

  • Workspace Preparation: Start with a clean slate by adding a new section where you want the effect.
  • Choosing the Element: Go for a ‘hover box’ instead of a regular image element. This is found under the ‘Box’ options in the element addition section.
  • Customization: Simplify the hover box by removing unwanted elements, leaving just the image space.
  • Image Replacement: Swap out the placeholder image in the hover box with your chosen picture, which can be sourced from various places, including your uploads.
  • Effect Adjustments: Fine-tune the zoom effect in ‘Hover Mode’ by selecting ‘Effect’ and modifying the zoom level and origin point.
  • Preview and Testing: Before going live, preview your website to ensure the hover effect works as expected.
  • Optional Link Addition: For images that lead somewhere, add a link to redirect users upon clicking.

Intrigued by how this can transform your website? Read the full article here for a step-by-step guide on implementing this captivating feature. Discover the simplicity behind adding a professional touch to your site, enhancing user interaction and detail visibility.

Want to delve deeper into customizing your Wix site with interactive elements? View the complete guide for more insights and tips on leveraging the hover zoom effect and other dynamic features. Make your website not just a platform but an experience that invites exploration and engagement.

Adding an image zoom hover effect is a straightforward yet impactful way to enhance your Wix website. It not only improves the aesthetic appeal but also supports functionality, particularly for showcasing product details, making it an essential feature for modern web design.



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