Bal Divas — an opportunity for children to showcase their talents

Gautam Khandelwal
3 min readOct 24, 2017


Masti ki Paathshala (a democratic learning centre that I have been running in rural Rajasthan) is planning a full day function on the 26th of November. While we wanted to do this on the 14th of November (which officially is the Children’s Day), we were told that children had to compulsorily attend school on this day. Therefore, we have chosen the 26th of November. As of now, this is what we are planning:

  1. A skit, song and dance performance by the children.
  2. Screening of the film Lagaan. There are various reasons why we want to screen this film. One, Lagaan embodies the victory of the rural folks over the mighty British. Two, it has the effect of instilling a sense of self-esteem in the villagers. Three, we want to use this function as a tool to bring the entire community together.
  3. We are trying to get Project Yugm down to the village to do a music performance. Project Yugm is an attempt to reclaim the local culture, to take pride in our own culture, our music, etc. This by the way is one of our core goals — that the rural folks once again take pride in their own ways of living, rather than adopt anything that comes from the cities. The village has a soul of its own, which needs to be fed and nurtured and sustained.
  4. We will set up stalls where the children could share their skills. For instance, one stall could be where someone would be doing tie & dye, another stall could be where someone may be designing posters using Photoshop and / or Coral, another one could be where children may be making art using paper mache. The whole idea behind this is for the children to share their skills and also to develop a sense of pride and self-esteem. From our personal standpoint, the idea is to showcase to the parents that children can learn even if they do not go to school.
  5. We have about 5 visitors from outside India, visiting us in November. We would also like them to present something, either on their own, or along with the children. So let us see what shape this takes.

What help do we need from you?

  1. Firstly, please come to the village and encourage the children in their pursuit of excellence. Spend a day here (if not longer), enjoy the cool fresh air, spend time with the rural folks, realize the wisdom that they have, and enjoy the performances by the children.
  2. We need someone who is good with music, theatre, dance, puppetry to maybe stay with us for a week and help the children prepare say a 1 hour show.
  3. We would love to have more ideas on what more could be done within this one day.
  4. We need financial help. In line with our philosophy, we are trying to get the children to do as much as possible on their own. So, we have set up a budget committee from amongst the children. Once they get back to me on the total funds required, I would have an idea of the money that we need. Of course, we will also set up a crowdfunding campaign. If you are interested to contribute financially, you could write to me at

I look forward to hearing from you.





Gautam Khandelwal

A passionate teacher, looking to go into rural India and teach