Blueprint Your Brilliance: A 7-Step Guide to Designing Your Ideal Future Self

5 min readApr 13, 2024


Feeling adrift in a sea of vague goals? Ditch the chase and start crafting the life you truly desire. Designing your ideal future self is a powerful strategy for setting clear direction and achieving lasting fulfillment. Here’s a 7-step process to get you started:

Step 1: Future Vision Quest

Embark on a self-discovery adventure. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and visualize yourself in the future. Here are some prompts to guide your journey:

  • The Setting: Where are you living? City lights twinkling, calming ocean waves, or serene mountain vistas?
  • Your Daily Groove: Are you leading a team, creating art, or exploring the world? What energizes you?
  • Your Circle: Who fills your life with love, support, and shared experiences?
  • The Emotional Landscape: How do you feel in this ideal future? Empowered, content, brimming with joy?

Write down everything that emerges — dreams, aspirations, and the overall feeling you want to cultivate.

Step 2: Core Values — Your Guiding Light

Your core values are the foundation of your ideal self. They shape your decisions and define your “why.” Here are some prompts to illuminate your core:

  • What matters most to you in life (e.g., adventure, learning, meaningful connections)?
  • What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
  • What activities bring you a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment?

Once you identify your core values, revisit your future vision. Does it align with these fundamental principles? Refine it to ensure your future self is an authentic expression of who you are.

Step 3: Milestone Mania

Your ideal future is the mountain you want to climb. Now, let’s create a path to get you there. Break down your vision into smaller, achievable milestones — like base camps along the way. For example, if your ideal future involves mastering a new skill, your first milestone might be enrolling in a relevant course.

Step 4: Action! From Dreams to Doables

For each milestone, brainstorm specific actions you can take right now. These are the building blocks that move you closer to your goals. Be specific and set deadlines — “Learn Spanish” becomes “Enroll in a beginner Spanish class by [date] and dedicate 30 minutes daily to practice.”

Step 5: Embrace the Growth Mindset

The path to your ideal self is an ongoing journey. Be open to learning new skills, adapting your plan as needed, and celebrating even small victories. Embrace the Bruce Lee quote: “Mistakes are proof that you’re trying.”

Step 6: Fuel Your Inspiration

Create a vision board! Fill it with images, quotes, and anything that embodies your ideal future. Surround yourself with things that spark motivation and keep your goals top-of-mind.

Step 7: Future Self Letter, Inspired by Bruce Lee

Channel your inner Bruce Lee and write a letter to your future self. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • What challenges do you anticipate facing?
  • What advice would you give your present self to persevere?
  • What are the core values you never want to compromise on?

Bonus: A Letter from Your Determined Present Self

Dear Future Me,

It’s [Your Name] writing from [Date]. Today, I’m brimming with excitement as I embark on this journey to create our ideal future. I envision you living in [Place], thriving on [Activities], surrounded by the love of [People]. Most importantly, I see you radiating [Desired Emotions] because you’ve stayed true to our core values: [List Your Values].

The road ahead won’t be easy, but remember, I’m here — facing challenges head-on and learning from every mistake. Never forget the fire that ignites us today: the passion for [Your Passions].

Stay strong, keep learning, and never stop chasing our version of awesome.

With unwavering belief,

Your Present Self

Remember, designing your ideal future self is a continuous process. Revisit your vision regularly, adapt as needed, and celebrate your progress. This journey is about creating a life that ignites your soul, one action step at a time. So, take a deep breath, unleash your inner architect, and start building the masterpiece of your life!

Absolutely! Before diving into recommendations, here are some questions you can ask yourself to gauge your own interest and needs:

  • Are you feeling lost or unsure about your direction in life?
  • Do you have a lot of vague goals but struggle to take action?
  • Do you sometimes feel like you’re just going through the motions and not living your full potential?
  • Are you interested in getting clear on what you truly want out of life?
  • Do you want to set goals that are meaningful and inspiring to you?
  • Are you looking for a structured process to help you achieve your goals?
  • Do you enjoy learning from personal stories and anecdotes?
  • Are you interested in a practical guide with actionable steps?
  • Do you prefer books that focus on overcoming fear and embracing creativity?
  • Are you willing to invest in books to help you achieve your goals?
  • How much time are you realistically able to dedicate to reading and implementing the ideas from the books?
  • If Your answer yes to most of the “Current Situation” questions and “Desired Outcome” questions, they’re likely good candidates for these types of books.
  • If You have a strong preference for a specific learning style (stories, practical guides, etc.)

Affiliate Disclosure: For your convenience, I’ve included links to these books. Please note that I may earn a small commission if you purchase them through these links. This helps me keep learning and creating informative content for you. Thank you for your understanding!

Here are 3 books that can help you with the process of designing your ideal future self:

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin spent a year testing out different philosophies about happiness in order to find what worked for her. She divided the year into twelve sections, each with a different focus on happiness, such as money, energy, and relationships. Rubin documented her experiences in this book, which is a combination of personal anecdotes, research, and practical advice.

The Happiness Project

Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

This book is a practical guide to applying design thinking to your life. Design thinking is a creative problem-solving process that can be used to tackle any challenge, from designing a new product to designing your ideal future. The authors, Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, are both professors at Stanford University’s (Institute of Design at Stanford).

Designing Your Life

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert is the author of the bestselling memoir Eat, Pray, Love. In Big Magic, she encourages readers to embrace their creativity and overcome their fear of failure. She argues that creativity is not about achieving perfection, but about showing up and doing the work, even if it’s messy.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear




Passionate about personal growth and well-being, I'm dedicated to the journey of self-improvement and mental health. With a strong belief of continous learning.