The Long Lost Human Power

Gourav Agarwal
7 min readDec 29, 2023


A lot of historical books are often termed as “Philosophical myths’’ by a few. Why? Because of the mentioning of powers and events which are above human control in these present days. Even the concept of God is neglected and is believed that those rulers with godly powers were just normal human beings with sharper minds and greater knowledge, and not some supernatural beings like Gods. Yes! You guessed them right, this is about the Hindu Dharma, about the historics of India. Histories like The Bhagavad Gita, The Ramayana, The Mahabharata. All these great books have mentions of rulers and people having supernatural powers, of knowledge and greatness, which are unachievable in today’s life. Not only powers, but also weapons, which are super destructible, some of which are used to compare atom bombs. Even many vehicles like the flying machine of Ravana, the flying horse carts, other flying vehicles are all questioned for their ability to exist in such historic periods, when in today’s world, even after so much advancement in technology, we humans are unable to create such weapons, or vehicles or possess such powers as mentioned in them.

One thing which one can notice in all these books is that it was not only Gods, whose avatars possessed supernatural powers like strength of mighty elephants, or magical powers to give improve a bow and arrow, or very high intelligence, greatness which was known at distant places, kingdoms as vast and as big as present day countries, it was also some people, some rulers, some fighters (Kshatriyas), some Gurus, some Sants with untraceable knowledge, powers and greatness. The listings show that most of the ancestors who were known for their powers and who are mentioned to have great knowledge, were not actually any avatars of Gods, and just normal human beings, who achieved those heights themselves, by meditation (Dhyana), by blessings (Vardaana) from Gods, by their gurus, and by their ancestors.

We have seen in them, that rulers sent their kids to Gurukuls of great Rishi Munis, where their kids learnt the lessons of life, of war, knowledge of the world, and powers beyond imagination in today’s world. They learnt about magical swords, weapons with unbeatable powers, of knowledge which no human can possess in today’s life. And these were mostly normal humans at that time. Even the Sant Mahatmas, the Rishi Munis were also normal humans. How could they possess such knowledge if they were not gods.

This is the fact. Humans were always meant to possess such destructive powers, such greater knowledge, and yet live in harmony. But our destiny had us lose all of them. We lost all our powers to ourselves. All because of our rudeness, hatred and greed to be the most powerful, the highest among all, the greed to be God. We already had that with ourselves, everyone bowed to great kings, and even those kings bowed to great Mahatmas and their gurus. And those gurus even had someone to bow down before, the Gods. Humans were meant to be what we were, and not what we are today. We knew how to fly in open chariots, how to produce magical arrows which can both be used for destruction as well as creation. We had the “Human Power” to perform almost any task. While today, we have only been able to reach closed aircrafts which can fly to some extent, we have created deadly weapons, but only a few can be compared to what we had earlier. We have achieved great heights of knowledge, yet it seems to be very small in front of even a teenage child of that era.

What I actually want to talk about is that there are powers beyond imagination. What I wanna say is that they do exist even in today’s world. It’s only that we have been unable to learn how to harness them. Some powers which are connected to the human heart. Naming a few, The very famous “Shiv Tandava” is referred to the greatest Lord, Lord Shiva. It is said that when he became very angry, he used to dance in a form called Tandava, which caused the sky to shatter, the Earth to quake like a vibrant rhino, volcanoes to erupt, oceans to rise. This was about anger. On the other side, about calmness, on hearing the flute of Lord Krishna the Earth turned greener, the animals and birds gathered up and sang happy chirps, every human being went mesmerized (Mantramugdha), the sky became super quiet, oceans turned calm. All this happened during those times.

Though I am mentioning the Gods, yet even humans had such majestic powers within them. All of it connects from our brain to our heart. It’s quite often we have seen flutists touch hearts with their play. All we need to do is have such deep faith in ourselves, have that patience, that level of Dhyana. If normal human beings, with their dedication to meditation and devotion could impress the Gods and get great blessings from them, then humans can still have those abilities. We have lost that connection not only due to our hunger to grow greater, but our jealousy and hatred that we gather on seeing other humans like us on the same race as ours. This competition led to the loss of many great “Granthas’’ and people who had the ability to give us those powers even in today’s world. Our knowledge of medicine was among the most invincible powers of us. We had enough knowledge to cure almost any disease which might not even be known today. The great Jadibuti recipes and other wound healing medicines were all lost due to our hunger and to not let anyone else get to know of them.

But what if I say that we can harness some of those powers even today, and using them, we could bring back at least some part of what we had? Yes it is possible.

With the tensions of living in today’s world, we have not been able to concentrate enough. But the human does have incredible strength. Only with our thoughts, when they are strong enough, can we cause changes in our surroundings, in people around us, and even in Nature.

Starting from small things, human psychology says that when we express anger, when we shower our anger upon others, even to animals or trees, we have seen other people getting angry, animals feeling uneasy. In a trial experiment, once it was observed that a small sapling which was exposed to hatred words and which was showered anger on by humans, turned pale in a few days and died. Similarly, the other way, when we are happy, we show others we are happy, everything around us turns happier. Nature has this law. You shower happiness, goodwill, and everything turns greener. A happy tree grows a lot better and its fruits taste better than a sad tree(The happy tree represents the one which is taken care of, to which its caretaker talks politely with love. Whereas the sad one represents the one which is not taken good care of, which is cursed by people).

Don’t believe me, try it yourself. Grow two identical saplings together. Shower one with your love. Water both equally, but talk to one with love, and hatred with the other. Play with one, while cursing the other. You will notice it yourself after some days.

It’s a normal human tendency to feel happy on seeing a person nearby us happier. And it’s normal to turn sad when we have nothing actually to be sad about, but seeing a person nearby sitting sad.

Love and Anger! These are a few techniques that I have known are able to get those things happening. When one deeply falls in love, the surroundings seem very lovely to that person. It’s not only for him, the surroundings actually turn out better. Soft winds can start to flow, flowers can start to bloom, birds can start singing very softly, people around can get good vibes including that person. The overall situation of that area can suddenly improve.

Anger on the other hand is able to trigger nature just the opposite way. When one is deeply in anger or is deeply hurt. At this very stage, that person can trigger the nature and can even cause calamities depending on the level of the anger. Destructive winds, full of sand in them coming out of nowhere, intense thundering, floody rains can rise in just a moment.

You must have heard people say, “don’t hurt the heart too much”, this is the reason. When a person is hurt enough, everything comes out a thousand times heavier. A broken heart is enough to trigger the whole environment and bring down literally anything that comes in its way. And this is actually the time when the world is with you. Nature itself is with you, a broken person can potentially tear down the world.

Same goes the other way, even stronger, love and care that touches one’s heart. It has powers greater than anger. When there’s anger destroying the whole existence, there’s love knitting life thread by thread, with utmost detailing, filled with peace. Love someone enough and see for yourself, someday you will feel the power in you.

Such are the parameters where we actually connect to the nature and share our feelings. We all have these powers hidden inside ourselves, somewhere in the corner struggling to showcase it. All we need to do is try to bring back the connection we had in our ancient times.

Love is a part of the journey. Be on the same side and you can do wonders. Anger though is a part, yet has massive destructible powers. You might be finding these surprising already, but sometime just sit, and observe.

We humans have a lot to get back and we have the potential.

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