🚀 Level Up Your DevSecOps with Tekton: A Hands-On Guide

Gaurav Goswami
3 min readNov 9, 2023


Photo by T K on Unsplash

Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! 🖥️ If you’re on a mission to enhance your DevSecOps game, you’re in the right place. We’re diving into Tekton, the ultimate DevSecOps sidekick that’s about to make your life way easier. In this blog, we’ll keep it hands-on with code snippets galore, making adoption a breeze.

Why Tekton?

DevSecOps is all about speed, security, and seamless integration. Tekton is your secret weapon, combining these aspects seamlessly. Ready? Let’s get our hands dirty!

Step 1: Set Up Kubernetes 🛠️

First things first, you need a Kubernetes cluster to run Tekton. If you don’t have one, tools like Minikube are your best friends. Set it up!

Step 2: Install Tekton 🔧

Tekton plays well with Kubernetes, so let’s install it. You can use Tekton’s provided manifests to get it up and running:

kubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/latest/release.yaml

This deploys Tekton’s components and resources. Easy, right?

Step 3: Create Tekton Tasks 📜

Now, let’s dive into the fun part — tasks! They’re like building blocks for your CI/CD pipeline. Define a task for your Node.js project. Here’s a simple example for linting:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: lint-task
- name: lint
image: node:14
script: |
npx eslint src/**

You can customize this task for your linting tool and Node.js version.

Step 4: Build Your Pipeline 🚀

Time to roll up your sleeves and construct a pipeline. CI might involve tasks like linting, unit tests, and building your Node.js project. Here’s a snippet:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Pipeline
name: nodejs-ci-pipeline
- name: lint
name: lint-task

You can extend this pipeline for more CI tasks and create a CD pipeline for deployments.

Step 5: Security Scanning 🛡️

Security is paramount. Integrate security scanning tools like Trivy into your pipeline to scan container images for vulnerabilities. For example:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
name: security-scan-task
- name: security-scan
image: docker.io/aquasec/trivy:0.20.0
script: |
trivy image python:3.4-alpine

Common Challenges and Solutions 💡

  • Learning Curve: Tekton has a learning curve. Start small and gradually build complex pipelines. Refer to Tekton’s official documentation.
  • Integration: Integrating Tekton into your existing DevOps toolchain can be tricky. Ensure clear documentation and collaboration within your team.
  • Security Policies: Define and enforce security policies from day one to ensure robust DevSecOps practices.

Comparative Analysis: Tekton vs. The Rest 🥊

Why Tekton over competitors? Let’s do a quick showdown!

  • Tekton’s declarative YAML makes pipelines readable and version-controlled.
  • It’s highly pluggable with a rich ecosystem of tasks and resources.
  • Tekton operates natively on Kubernetes, providing a seamless DevSecOps experience.
  • Scale? No problem! Tekton handles high workloads with ease.

So there you have it! A DevSecOps powerhouse that can save you time, and manpower, and eliminate human errors.

Conclusion 🚏

Are you ready to revolutionize your DevSecOps journey? Tekton is the tool to get the job done. With this hands-on guide, you can easily set up your CI/CD pipeline and take your projects to the next level.

Tekton vs. competitors? Tekton wins with its pluggability, Kubernetes-native approach, and scalability. It’s time to gear up, dive in, and witness the Tekton revolution firsthand. 🚀

Stay tuned for more DevOps adventures! 🤖🌐



Gaurav Goswami

I don't know what I do, but whatever I do is always perfect or a work in progress if not.🥇