Big Omega Extension — Enhance Leetcode experience

Gourav Rusiya
3 min readMar 30, 2023


big omega extension snapshot
Leetcode — Big Omega Extension

Competitive programming websites like LeetCode and Hackerrank have become popular platforms for individuals to improve their coding skills and prepare for technical interviews. However, the process of solving problems and optimizing their solutions can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for beginners or those seeking to expand their knowledge of common coding problems.

That’s where the Big Omega Extension comes in. This browser extension is designed to enhance your collaborative problem-solving experience by providing various features and tools to help you solve problems faster, more efficiently, and with better accuracy.

What is Big Omega Extension ?

One of the most prominent features of the Big Omega Extension is its ability to reveal information about which companies have asked a particular problem and how many times the same problem has been asked. This feature can be incredibly valuable for users who are preparing for job interviews or seeking to improve their knowledge of common coding problems. It can help users identify the types of problems that are commonly asked and prepare themselves accordingly.

What is unique about the extension ?

The Big Omega Extension offers a unique and valuable collaborative problem-solving experience for users of competitive programming websites. With its powerful features and tools, users can optimise their solutions, expand their knowledge of coding problems, and learn from each other to improve their coding skills. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced coder, the Big Omega Extension can help you enhance your collaborative problem-solving experience and take your skills to the next level.

Upcoming Features

Moreover, the Big Omega Extension will soon introduce a set of new features that will provide users with the ability to connect with peers and engage in collaborative problem-solving activities across multiple platforms. These upcoming features will include audio and chat conversations with online peers, creating groups, starting coding competitions, and syncing each other’s screens to explain the logic in real-time.

By leveraging the power of collaboration, these new features will enable users to learn from each other, solve problems together, and expand their knowledge of coding problems and solutions. The ability to connect with peers from around the world and engage in collaborative problem-solving activities can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

Source Code

Analytics after Launch 🚀

  • User Count > 2k+ within 2 weeks of publishing big omega extension
  • Acquired “Featured Badge” on Chrome webstore
  • Going to publish for Mozilla Firefox users too.
  • Improvements after the feedback from users is coming in next version.

