Depiction of Sun God Korou Numit.
Goutamkumar Oinam (Public Domain)

Korouhanba Numit: Sun God in ancient Meitei mythos

Goutamkumar Oinam
2 min readAug 22, 2020


In the ancient Meitei mythology, which is also known as old Manipuri mythology, and within the Sanamahism religion, Korouhanba Numit (or Korou Numit) is revered as the deity and the embodiment of the Sun.

In the realm of ancient Meitei literature, also referred to as old Manipuri literature, a multitude of synonyms are attributed to Korou Hanba Numit, encompassing names such as Anganba, Apanba, Charangson, Khagi Naha Saphaba, Khoibungsen, Langjakhei, Malemkhei, Nongpok Wairangcha, Nongshaba Mei, Sana Khommadon, Sengoireng, Taudanba, Tauroinai, Thabilong, Yoimayai, and numerous others.

He embodies the divine ultimate source of light and energy that permeates the entire cosmos.

Depiction of Sun God Korou Numit.
Goutamkumar Oinam (Public Domain)

In the ancient pantheon, he is esteemed as a divine incarnation of Lord Sanamahi.

He is depicted as a strikingly handsome young man, sometimes astride a majestic flying horse. Each day, he takes to the skies, journeying from the East to the West, often portrayed as seated upon his resplendent steed.

Numerous pivotal classical Meitei language scriptures that reference Korouhanba Numit encompass texts such as Numit Kappa, Khurai Soubon Lairemma Loutaron, along with a plethora of other puya scriptures.

Depiction of Sun God Korou Numit.
Goutamkumar Oinam (Public Domain)

Special Notes:

* In linguistic, ethnic as well as cultural aspects, Meitei is synonymous with Meetei, Mitei, Meithei, Manipuri, Kanglei, Poirei, etc.

* Traditional Meitei ethnic religion is also known as Sanamahism (or Sanamahi religion), Sannamahism (or Sannamahi religion), Lainingthouism (or Lainingthou religion), Kangleism, Meiteism, Meeteism, Miteism, Meitheism, Manipurism, etc.

* In religious aspect, a believer or a follower or a theologist of the traditional Meitei religion is known as Sanamahist, Sannamahist, Lainingthouist, Kangleist, Meiteist, Meeteist, Miteist, Meitheist, Manipurist, etc.

* Ancient land of the Meitei speaking people (alias Manipuri speaking people) is known as Kangleipak, Meiteileipak, Meeteileipak, Miteileipak, Meiteileibak, Meeteileibak, Miteileibak, Meitrabak, Poireilam, Tilli Koktong, Leikoilel, Leikoilen, Sanaleipak, Sanaleibak, Sannaleipak, Sannaleibak, etc. In present day, most of its parts is located in what we now call Manipur state, with few others in the state's neighboring places.

* In English terms, the Meitei realm is also known as Meiteidom, Meeteidom, Miteidom, Meitheidom, Manipuridom, Kangleidom, Meiteisphere, Meeteisphere, Miteisphere, Meitheisphere, Manipurisphere, Kangleisphere, etc.

