Depiction of Goddess Laikhurembi, the Queen of the Netherworld.
Goutamkumar Oinam (Public Domain)

Laikhurembi — A Chthonic Goddess

Goutamkumar Oinam


In ancient Meitei mythology (old Manipuri mythology) and Sanamahism religion, goddess Laikhurembi, known as Laikhulempi in Ancient Meitei language, is the chief queen of the underworld realm (Khamnung Leipak). She is the female deity and the divine personification of justice, law and order, truth, verdict, equality and judgement.

Her pantheon is always associated with the law courts, especially in the Cheirap Court of Uripok in Manipur.

Depiction of Goddess Laikhurembi, the Queen of the Netherworld.
Goutamkumar Oinam (Public Domain)

She is a consort of Lord Thongalel (alias Thongalen, Thongarel, Thongaren, Thongngalel, Thongngalen, Thongngarel, Thongngaren), the God of death and the ruler of the underworld kingdom (netherworld).

Whenever there is a conflict between people, they can approach to the shrines of Laikhurembi, for her judgement between the two groups. She takes the souls of those who tell lies, or are wrong in the disputes.

In such cases, there is no chance of forgiveness from the goddess when they approach to her.

Depiction of Goddess Laikhurembi, the Queen of the Netherworld.
Goutamkumar Oinam (Public Domain)

She is also the Guardian and the Protectress of the Uripok town, in Imphal city, since ancient times, as per mythical and religious beliefs.

According to classical Meitei canon, her worship is especially taken care of by the Taibungjam clan of Meitei people (or Manipuri ethnicity).

She is equivalent to goddess Themis of Ancient Greeks and goddess Justitia of Ancient Romans.

Depiction of Goddess Laikhurembi, the Queen of the Netherworld.
Goutamkumar Oinam (Public Domain)

Special Notes:

* In linguistic, ethnic as well as cultural aspects, Meitei is synonymous with Meetei, Mitei, Meithei, Manipuri, Kanglei, Poirei, etc.

* Traditional Meitei ethnic religion is also known as Sanamahism (or Sanamahi religion), Sannamahism (or Sannamahi religion), Lainingthouism (or Lainingthou religion), Kangleism, Meiteism, Meeteism, Miteism, Meitheism, Manipurism, etc.

* In religious aspect, a believer or a follower or a theologist of the traditional Meitei religion is known as Sanamahist, Sannamahist, Lainingthouist, Kangleist, Meiteist, Meeteist, Miteist, Meitheist, Manipurist, etc.

* Ancient land of the Meitei speaking people (alias Manipuri speaking people) is known as Kangleipak, Meiteileipak, Meeteileipak, Miteileipak, Meiteileibak, Meeteileibak, Miteileibak, Meitrabak, Poireilam, Tilli Koktong, Leikoilel, Leikoilen, Sanaleipak, Sanaleibak, Sannaleipak, Sannaleibak, etc. In present day, most of its parts is located in what we now call Manipur state, with few others in the state's neighboring places.

* In English terms, the Meitei realm is also known as Meiteidom, Meeteidom, Miteidom, Meitheidom, Manipuridom, Kangleidom, Meiteisphere, Meeteisphere, Miteisphere, Meitheisphere, Manipurisphere, Kangleisphere, etc.

