Actress Lilabati playing as Phouoibi in the film "Phouoibi Shayon".

Phouoibi — Goddess of agriculture

Goutamkumar Oinam


Goddess Phouoibi (alias Phouleima) is the goddess and the personification of agriculture, food, bounty, harvest and prosperity in ancient Meitei mythology (old Manipuri mythology) and Sanamahism religion. She’s also associated with paddy, rice, crops and livestocks.

She’s one of the principal characters in the Moirang Kangleirol and the Moirang Shayon legends, as the first incarnation of the divine lady, whose soul had a series of rebirths, with her true lover.

She’s one of the seven daughters of Salailen (alias Soraren) as mentioned in the “Lairembi Nongumlol”, an ancient text.

She’s sent down to earth to prosper the human civilization, by her divine father Salailen (Koubru in some legends).

She’s a consort of Lord Phou Ningthou, who has the same divine attributes as that of hers.

In the “Phouoibi Waron”, she’s portrayed as a flickering lady, who always have love affairs, with multiple partners, whom she always departs.

However, Akongjamba is her final and the true lover.

As a part of religious ceremony, during the harvesting season, the goddess and her divine consort, are worshipped and offered the share of the harvested crops, by the farming communities, as a mark of respect and gratitude, to the deities, for their blessings, resulted as the good crop yields.

However, if displeased, her agony and temper results to bad harvest, plague, and even claims the lives of the cattles and the other livestocks.

She’s equivalent to goddess Demeter of Ancient Greeks and goddess Ceres of Ancient Romans.

