Thaleima—Goddess of moon, light and night sky in ancient Meitei mythology (old Manipuri mythology) and Sanamahism religion

In ancient Meitei mythology (old Manipuri mythology) and Sanamahism religion, goddess Thaleima (alias Thareima) is one of the primordial deities. She’s the goddess and the personification of the moon, light and the night sky.

There’s an annual festival “Lai Haraoba” celebrated, in honor of her, especially in Khurai region of Manipur.

However, her pantheon was diminished in the 18th century AD, in Kangleipak (present day Manipur), with the arrival of Hinduism in the kingdom.

Her worship was replaced by God Chandra Deva, her male equivalent deity of Hinduism, in Manipur.

Among the few survived pantheons of the goddess, the one in Khurai region is the most significant one.

She’s equivalent to both Selene and Artemis of Greek mythology. She’s also equivalent to both Luna and Diana of Roman mythology.

