RootMetrics Network Test: Verizon Still at the Top

The largest wireless service providers in the US have been in a continuous bout with each other and are trying to prove themselves the best. This has forced almost every government cell phone service provider to introduce unlimited plans.

As it was expected, the unlimited plans didn’t affect the performance of these networks. And this has been confirmed by the latest report by RootMetrics.

The Report

The report by RootMetrics says that all the four major telecom networks of the US — Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint have improved their network performance in minimum 20 markets.

The performance of AT&T is seen to be improved in 51 markets of metro cities while T-Mobile showed an improvement in 73 markets.

Along with the improvement in performance, all 4 big government cell phone service providers have shown improvements in terms of services being offered in the markets where the delivered data speed is of 20 Mbps.

The test of performance by RootMetrics was conducted on the basis of overall performance, speed, call quality, and reliability of the free government phones providers. And for the eighth time in a series, the top spot has been acquired by Verizon as the best performing wireless network in the US.

The second place was held by AT&T, followed by Sprint and T-Mobile, respectively.

As the results of the report are out, T-Mobile is claiming that these results are biased.

T-Mobile’s Claims

T-Mobile, one of the leading government cell phone providers, recently claimed that it has the fastest network in the country and that Verizon’s network has been slowing down because of its unlimited data plan. With the recent report given by RootMetrics, these claims by T-Mobile seem to be false.

Thus, T-Mobile claims that the performance test and results by RootMetrics are biased and not true.

According to T-Mobile CTO, Neville Ray, both AT&T and Verizon have been struggling with their network performance ever since they introduced their unlimited data plans. On the other hand, he says that T-Mobile has been seeing a continuous growth in the market.

He also claimed that the results given out by the RootMetrics report are not based on the real facts but have been greatly biased. Ray says that Verizon has paid RootMetrics to deliver the results in its favor.

“Unbiased scientific studies tell us loud and clear that Verizon’s network is struggling with unlimited and T-Mobile has caught up,” Ray said. “That’s based on millions of actual customer experiences, not consultants funded by Verizon. Color me surprised that a Verizon-sponsored report claims they’re on top.” he added.

However, to counter this, RootMetrics claims that all four major free government phones providers have been their customers at one point or another. So, there is no reason for them to be biased.

Also, RootMetrics claims that T-Mobile is using flawed data to back their facts about their networking performing being better than Verizon and AT&T.

In A Nutshell

The results of the report are based on testing conducted by RootMetrics. They do not use crowd-sourced data for their network testing, thus, they claim to provide accurate data that is not biased because of the user diversity and location.

So, the results of the test are considered to be true regardless of the claims made by T-Mobile.