Disney Pixar AI Generator Review

Govind Dheda
6 min readNov 9, 2023

Disney Pixar films are renowned for their visually stunning and emotionally captivating movie posters. The vibrant colors, fun characters, and imaginative worlds depicted make for truly magical promotional art. Thanks to recent advances in AI technology, anyone can now easily create their own Disney Pixar style movie posters with just a few clicks using Microsoft’s new Bing Image Creator tool!

An Overview of Bing Image Creator

Powered by the new DALL-E 2 AI system from OpenAI, Bing Image Creator allows users to generate creative images simply by providing text prompts. This offers an accessible way for people to bring their ideas and imaginations to life in an instant.

Bing Image Creator is currently available for free to all Bing users. To generate images, all you need to do is type a text description of the image you want to create. The AI will then generate up to four image options based on your prompt.

The tool is still in preview mode but shows immense promise in democratizing AI image generation. As a Disney Pixar fan, I was excited to try using Bing Image Creator to make movie posters in the style of my favorite animated films.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Disney Pixar Style Posters

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to start designing your own Disney Pixar movie posters using this new AI tool:

1. Describe Your Imaginary Movie

First, come up with a fun movie concept for your imaginary Disney Pixar film. Think about key details like the title, main characters, setting, genre, and basic plot. Keep your description concise but include important visual details.

For example: “Wall-E poster with robot Wall-E collecting trash on wasteland Earth.”

2. Specify Disney Pixar Style

Make sure to explicitly state in your text prompt that you want the poster rendered in a Disney Pixar art style. This guides the AI to apply the vibrant colors, character designs, and overall aesthetic of Pixar posters.

For example: “Wall-E poster with robot Wall-E collecting trash on wasteland Earth in Disney Pixar animation style.”

3. Generate Image Options

Go to www.bing.com/create and either sign in or access the tool anonymously. Type your text prompt into the text box and hit enter. Bing Image Creator will provide multiple poster options to choose from.

4. Review and Refine

Carefully review the AI-generated poster results and select your favorite option. If needed, tweak your prompt to get closer to your desired poster design. Adding more descriptive details often produces better results.

5. Download and Share

Once you have a poster you’re happy with, go ahead and download the high-resolution image. Then show off your Disney Pixar movie poster masterpiece with friends, family, and fellow animation fans!

Benefits of Using Bing Image Creator

As both a Pixar aficionado and aspiring artist, I found Bing Image Creator to be an excellent tool for bringing movie poster ideas to life. Here are some of the key benefits I experienced:

· Easy and Accessible: No special skills needed — just describe your idea in text. The AI does the creative work.

· Fast Generation: Posters are generated within seconds, allowing you to experiment iteratively.

· Surprising Creativity: The AI comes up with unique designs you likely wouldn’t have thought of.

· Customizable Results: You can tweak the prompt to get your ideal poster with certain elements.

· High-Resolution: The final images can be downloaded in high quality for printing and sharing online.

· Free to Use: Anyone with a Microsoft account can access this tool at no cost.

Whether you’re a professional designer or casual creative, Bing Image Creator makes it simple for anyone to channel their inner Pixar.

Creating My Own Disney Pixar Style Posters

After getting familiar with the basics, I decided to try my hand at envisioning posters for both existing and imaginary Pixar films.

For existing films, it was fun to provide plot summaries to see how the AI would reinterpret the poster art. For imaginary ideas, I let my creativity run wild coming up with fun characters, stories, and settings.

Here are some examples of prompts I provided and the Disney Pixar style posters produced by the AI:


The Incredibles poster showing Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and their superhero kids Dash, Violet, and Jack-Jack in mid-action pose. Set in a city at night. In colorful Disney Pixar animation style.


Imaginary poster for Pixar film “Dinosaur Rangers” showing a team of wise-cracking dinosaur superheroes. Set in an urban city environment. In vivid Disney Pixar animation style.

I was thrilled with how the AI was able to capture the visual style so accurately. The posters have all the charm and spirit of real Pixar promotional art.

By providing detailed text prompts and experimenting with different descriptions, I was able to achieve Disney Pixar posters that matched the vision I had in mind.

Key Tips for Better Results

Through my experience generating numerous posters, I discovered some tips and tricks for getting the most out of Bing Image Creator:

· Provide sufficient context and details — describe the full scene and characters.

· Explicitly request the Disney Pixar art style for accurate results.

· Start broad, then refine and add details incrementally in new prompts.

· Use clear, concise language and avoid rambling descriptions.

· Focus on pivotal story elements rather than full plots or excessive text.

· Be creative and have fun with imaginary ideas not bound by reality.

· Generate multiple options to select the best poster.

Following these suggestions will help you achieve high-quality Disney Pixar style posters tailored to your creative vision.

The Future Possibilities with AI Image Generation

Experiencing the power of Bing’s new AI poster creator firsthand opens up exciting possibilities for the future as the technology continues advancing:

· Pixar artists could use it to rapidly ideate and explore concepts.

· Aspiring animators can craft portfolios and gain valuable practice.

· Animation studios may be able to prototype and market films more efficiently.

· Fans can engage more deeply with beloved characters by imagining their own stories.

· Creatives of all types now have an accessible tool for making their visions a reality.

While AI art generation does raise some ethical concerns, as a tool democratizing creativity I believe its positive potential outweighs risks if used responsibly. I’m eager to see how artists and studios harness these emerging technologies.

My Review: An Engaging Creative Tool

As a longtime Pixar fan, I found Bing Image Creator to be an absolute blast for conjuring up stunning Disney Pixar style movie posters with ease. It truly feels like magic to describe an idea and watch the AI generate a professional-quality poster seconds later.

The creative possibilities are endless. I enjoyed both reimagining existing Pixar films and bringing wholly original concepts to life. While the tool is not 100% perfect, it allows for quick iteration to refine the results. I’m excited to see how the AI capabilities progress over time.

Overall, I highly recommend Bing Image Creator as an engaging creativity enhancer for artists of all skill levels. It’s an excellent gateway into AI-powered art tools and gives anyone a taste of what the future may hold. Even just as a fun hobby, it provides hours of enjoyment for movie buffs. My inner child felt like they were transported into the magical world of Pixar itself. A must-try for any animation fan!


Bing Image Creator opens up AI image generation to the masses, allowing anyone to channel their creativity into stunning Disney Pixar style movie posters with ease. By following a few simple tips, you can learn to steer the AI for high-quality results tailored to your vision. Both animation professionals and casual fans now have an exciting new tool for bringing their poster ideas to vivid life faster than ever before. As AI technology progresses, one can only imagine the new frontiers of creativity and imagination it will help unlock



Govind Dheda

Govind Dheda is the founder and senior editor of openaimaster.com. His passion for exploring the world of AI led him to create this platform.