2023 Astrology Predictions — On Global, and India as well as Indian Stock Markets

9 min readDec 24, 2022


View my 2022 Global & India level predictions here

2022 Predictions v/s Happened

People who wish to know how my 2022 prediction worked can explore it here

My 2022 prediction’s & news references in internet

  1. Prediction 1: High chance of re-election in Bihar during 2022–23
  2. Prediction 2:INDIA would establish a framework for MAKE IN INDIA type​
  3. Prediction 3:Corona/virus would be controlled through the improved vaccine measures marking May 2022 as the end of pandemic times.
  4. Prediction 4:Due to potential delays, the inauguration of new Parliament building will be pushed to 2023–24​
  5. Prediction 5:2022 will be a year of Presidents, Central Ministry, Chief Ministry resignations, through election defeats, political conflicts, health problems etc. ​- Resignations of Maharashtra Chief Minister, Bihar Chief Minister, Union ministers Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, RCP Singh
  6. Prediction 6:This year has potential life dangers for many established Entrepreneurs who contributed to the Indian Economy.​
  7. Prediction 7:The election results in Uttarpradesh won’t give a boost to the ruling party — DID NOT HAPPEN SO
  8. Prediction 8:Private crypto currencies will wipe out Indian investors’ money. Many Indian’s would face Tax evasion issues due to their Crypto involvement.​
  9. Prediction 9:Storm, Heat waves, earthquakes are high
  10. Prediction 10:Government will officially announce its move towards Digital form of currencies that would transform banking, NBFC mergers etc.​
  11. Prediction 11:Political Resignations were predicted to happen.
  12. Prediction 12:Many reserve banks/FED raised interest rates.
  13. Prediction 13:Dowjones will reach 52w low soon and further
  14. Prediction 14:As predicted with Rahul Gandhi horoscope, RISE of Rahul presence is realistically seen.
  15. Prediction 15:Crypto fall (especially BTC) will be much more evident in the coming times! Also Check this: 2020 Prediction

India Predictions in 2023

  1. Gold & Silver prices will come down for few months in 2023 which will be very little reduction. This price decrease will be comparatively better than November-December-2022. But refer to my 2020 gold price prediction posted in Facebook, on which i have told that gold prices will significantly increase after 2024 and later.
  2. 2023 weather conditions to cause agricultural failures. Cost of agricultural production will increase that causes overall increase in Food prices.
  3. Major economic impacts due to rest of the world war situations. 2022 is not good for Ukraine and 2023 is not good for Russia. Air Strike possibilities in Jan-2023
  4. No relief from inflation — worldwide in 2023. Price of Dairy products is set to increase in March-2023. Economic Pressure will continue till the mid of 2023 (From July-2023 or later onwards), later global reserve banks of different countries start reducing the interest rates. Many countries will face depression situations.
  5. Ruling party will be challenged in Bihar, lead by Nitish Kumar, Tejaswi etc during the second part of 2023. This group will be giving more confidence to Left Front for 2024 elections. NOTE: I am not a supporter of either party, this is a prediction analyzed after studying various political leaders horoscope that i have, as well as the oath time while taking up their past political roles.
  6. As predicted in 2020 and lastly in 2022, India has come out with its own Digital Currency. Major transformation will be taken by Indian Government in Banking sector as a step to minimize Money related frauds. Banking sector consolidation will be evident through government measures.
  7. Extra ordinary transformation in the field of communication, setting a major trend of adoption by people.
  8. Indian NRI’s across the world will transfer wealth back to India, also country to see people returning to India.
  9. Till 14-April-2023, Prime Minister and President of India should be careful from enemies, health etc. They may even bring changes in parliament.
  10. Natural calamities are evident due to Saturn transit into Aquarius.
  11. Elections in 2023 is not much favorable to its existing leaders irrespective of political parties.
  12. Rise of Women political leaders will be evidently seen. World will witness the rise of women leaders in political stage much higher than before.
  13. Ketu (South Node) transits into Virgo (the 6th house from Aries) by October will show its effect with some viral spread from March/April-2023. This could be more associated to mumps type of disease. Indian Government and many other countries has already taken efforts to control virus spread with additional vaccines. Hence, the intensity will be lesser and will be controlled by the vaccines. The spread will naturally be less in southern states, compared to northern states. Such Virus may start emerging in India by March/April-2023.
  14. The Saturn & extra saturnine planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and their influences the job market, which will in 2023 or sooner make any Employee across the world to get a same amount of salary. This would increase the outsourcing jobs, competition from mid and later part of 2023 across India and Asia. My 2020 research detailed this along with cryptocurrency prediction. The reason I am linking Job Market, cryptocurrency, global competition has many reasons for employment crisis during early 2023 in many countries. Major issues can come during 2023 on employment, job related areas, which brings down average salary of a person in one country which in another country will be a bigger income.
  15. Many startup’s that emerged from recent technology hype (even beyond IT companies) will lose its hype, causing massive job losses.

Global Predictions for 2023

  1. Many Intellectual Minds, those who had originally worked on Strategies, will participate in Indian National politics.
  2. 2023, and 2024 can encounter troubles created through Air based strikes, Air based chemical spread causing issues, Natural disasters due to wind storms, cyclones etc. People can face health issues mainly due to gastric problems and air borne diseases & troubles. Vaccination will be the solution for many air borne diseases.
  3. Terrorism related attacks in developing and developed countries will bring panic in people minds. Such events can happen (+/-) 5–10 days before/after/during: 20-Apr-2023, 5-May-2023, 14-Oct-2023, 28-Oct-2023
  4. Big leadership replacements can happen in China during 2023–2024. The upcoming leadership will be perceived as a softer side by rest of the world. This will again be yet another clever decisions taken by China for the welfare of its Nation, economic development.
  5. China will be facing corona virus issue till April-2023 due to its bad times.
  6. Start of year 2023 will have issues related to Technology Outages, reschedule planned events such as travel, Real Estate buying and selling, electronic equipment’s, Stock market reversals. This will again happen between April — May, August — September of 2023. When these timelines are properly planned based on your horoscope can give immersive benefits.
  7. Many nations will witness total state collapse or government collapse.
    Developed Western and Asian nations will be seen cutting down Jobs.
  8. 2022 is the year of resignations of top officials, 2023 is the year of mass terminations. Business expansions, scale comes down. India will be impacted by such job-cuts
  9. Scam, Fraud’s in Education sector will come out, will be regulated by government.
  10. A war is well evident to happen in 2023
  11. Britain will have a yet another new prime minister in 2023. After 20-April-2023 Eclipse
  12. Twitter along with rest of social media awaiting Saturn transit to Aquarius zodiac sign for massive transformation. Restrictions on Social Media usage will be imposed by Countries across the globe after January-2023
  13. Between July to September, Money matters can face problems, travel plans can face cancellations.
  14. Across the world, 2023 political elections is not favorable to its existing leaders, existing ruling parties.
  15. Public protests, Massive layoff’s, Economic situations, in a Developed Nation can lead to next level of economic failure, depression. Possible timeline with (+/-) 5–10 days during/before/after 20-Apr-2023, 5-May-2023, 14-Oct-2023, 28-Oct-2023. Some major Financial announcements during this timeline is also possible.
  16. Public protests, economic situations, political fights, agricultural failures and climatic situations can lead South America into a bad state of economic depression. The situation can extend beyond 2023 and hence 2024 can also be difficult times to many places of South America.
  17. This will give way for new, young political leader to emerge and transformation of the country. Alexa will be praised in 2025. The buildup for Alexa may start by end of 2024. For readers awareness, Alexa is a “She” and not “He” or a commercial device.
  18. After 20-Mar (Vernal Equinox) viral infections can increase across the Globe. This spread can be caused by human’s and animal’s. Hence expect restrictions surfacing in the daily lives. 2023 is not 2020. We have vaccines now that will maximum protect it. Those who dont believe in vaccines will continue to question me on what will happen if i had not been vaccinated.
  19. Many Countries, including India (RBI), USA(FED) could initiate the first “interest rate reduction” after several historic rate hikes. This could be timed to happen in June or July 2023.
  20. Historic EURO, British Pound crash is set to happen in 2023
  21. Volcanic eruption in 2023 may affect the Aquarian living creatures like fishes, whales etc.
  22. The year can cause lot of heat waves especially in Northern hemisphere as well in Southern hemisphere.
  23. 2022 which was not good for Ukraine and 2023 is not good for Russia.
  24. Global economic depression sets in all G20 economies. Economic depression in Economy is felt in many countries.
  25. Jupiter and Rahu conjunction is not good for religious leaders health and their status. In many places, fake people will be identified and brought under the bars.
  26. Countries, regions closer to coastal areas can face issues related to Air & Water. Countries such as Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, but not limited to them can be affected in April-2023, secondarily during February, March, April, May, June 2023.

NOTE: All the predictions shared here are done by an astrologer, who spends most of his free hours researching planetary configurations, which is out of his passion on the subject and with a mission to take astrology to 21st century people mind’s. Any readers assumption that comes out as Hate message, or in a political sense, doesn’t come from my mind, but from the reader’s assumptions. My views had been technically discussed with any learned astrologers who when approached me with astrological sense. Public life is not my destiny, hence i keep my-selves in private world. I am open to be covered in Radio and newspapers. Hence anyone approaching me for TV, you-tube, any video, type of Media will not be encouraged

Global Stock Market Situations

  1. Nifty 12000–16000 before breaching 52w high. Indian Financial markets will find massive opportunities in selective stocks, commodities and in few sectors that has hidden gems. But, many exchanges and ETF’s can give losses. Since capital erosion are possible, should invest in avenues that work for them only.
  2. Biggest stock market falls will happen in February, March, April, May, June 2023. April 28th, 29th, 30th, May 1st 2023
    29-Dec-2022 to 18-Jan-2023
    27-April-2023 to 4-May-2023
  3. As predicted in 2020, Crypto currencies will wiped out people money. In 2023, the value of cryptocurrencies will further go down. Across the year 2023, the change of crypto currencies going upward is not possible.
  4. In 2023, many crypto currencies & exchanges will permanently close and undergo legal investigations

2023 Risky & Opportunistic Timelines

2020–2026 Nifty Market Situations

Detailed video is here

Detailed video is here

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For Astrology Consulting, take a look into below links before connecting.

  1. GENERAL HOROSCOPE READING: https://medium.com/@gowthamlabs/personal-horoscope-consulting-67cc5849fa49
  2. FINASTRO-LONG-TERM-INVESTMENTS: https://medium.com/@gowthamlabs/wealth-creation-with-financial-astrology-finastro-d3fd8d214622

Thank you, Gowthamann

NOTE: All the predictions shared here are done by an astrologer, who spends most of his free hours researching planetary configurations, which is out of his passion on the subject and with a mission to take astrology to 21st century people mind’s. Any readers assumption that comes out as Hate message, or in a political sense, doesn’t come from my mind, but from the reader’s assumptions. My views had been technically discussed with any learned astrologers who when approached me with astrological sense. Public life is not my destiny, hence i keep my-selves in private world. I am open to be covered in Radio and newspapers. Hence anyone approaching me for TV, you-tube, any video, type of Media will not be encouraged

