19 Strange Things People Come Across In Their Daily Life

Gowtham S R
5 min readJul 5, 2022


List of some Murphy’s laws that we come across in our daily life

image from Unsplash uploaded by Anthony Tran

Edward J Murphy was a Major in the US Air Force in the 1940s. Murphy complained about one of the technicians serving under him on a project “If there is any way to do it wrong, he’ll find it.”

In its simplest form, Murphy’s Law states: If anything can go wrong, it will. It also states that if there are two or more ways to do anything and one of them potentially results in disaster, someone will do it.

The original law has been extended over time and it can be applied to our day-to-day life.

Some of them are listed below, surely you would have experienced many of the below situations.

When you stand in a queue in the airport security, toll booth, billing counter in a mall etc., the other queues move faster than yours. With great difficulty when you change to the other lane, that’s the time your lane becomes stagnant and your old lane suddenly starts moving faster.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Lecanto

When you are on time to office, your boss is late. When you go late to office on a particular day, that day boss comes early.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Damir Kopezhanov

After a lot of research, you buy a stock, the moment you buy it, the price goes down, and the moment you sell it, it starts going up.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Jamie Street

If somebody says that there are billions of stars in the sky, you will believe it. But if somebody tells you that the bench is freshly painted, you will surely test it by touching it.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by David Pinoy

Your neighbor’s lawn always looks greener.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Alejandra Cifre González

When you like a shirt and wants to purchase it, it is not your size. You search a different shirt for your size, but that will not be having any discount.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Md Salman

When you drop a buttered bread, the side which is buttered always falls on the carpet. The butter side of the sandwich falling on the carpet is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Neetu Laddha

Only when you are using the vending machine, the coin gets stuck.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by li hao

When you call an electrician to repair something which was not working, it suddenly starts working fine when he checks.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Антон Дмитриев

Only when your hands are dirty and greasy, that is the time your nose starts itching.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Bernard Hermant

When you drop a coin, it settles down at the far corer of the room.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by ZSun Fu

You are not well, so you take an appointment with the doctor. When you visit the doctor, you feel alright. If you do not visit the doctor, your sickness continues and you will feel worse.

image from Unsplash uploaded by Online Marketing

When you are driving on an empty highway, the moment the narrow bridge comes, the vehicle on the other side comes.

image from Unsplash uploaded by Sean Benesh

If you dial the wrong number, you will never get a busy tone. Someone will always answer. You are waiting for an important phone call, when you perfectly wet in the bathroom, it starts ringing.

Image from Unsplash uploaded by Julian Hochgesang

The odds of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you do not want to be seen with.

image from Unsplash uploaded by Wade Austin Ellis

As soon as you sit down to drink a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something that will last until the coffee gets cold.

image from Unsplash uploaded by Clay Banks

The day you do not take the umbrella, it will surely rain.

image from Unsplash uploaded by Craig Whitehead

When you invite a VIP for your program, that is the day the audience attending will be very less.

image from Unsplash uploaded by ASIA CULTURE CENTER

When you are in the hostel and it is announced that there is no water supply on a particular night, that is the time you feel most thirsty.

image from Unsplash uploaded by Luke Pennystan

I am sure most of the above-mentioned situations happened in your life as well. Please comment on the ones which are not listed above. Thank you for reading…….

