Looking to Hire Offshore Developers? Check These 7 Must-Have Soft Skills

4 min readNov 16, 2023

No doubt, in this fast-paced realm of the tech industry, having a team with exceptional technical skills is crucial for driving business growth and revenue. Moreover, having a thriving and collaborative work environment is equally important.

But many times while hiring developers, recruiters overlook the soft skills which might prove costly in terms of time, money, and overall team efficiency. Soft skills are a big deal for a happy work vibe. So, when you hire offshore developers you must identify whether the developer has sound technical skills and a firm hold on soft skills will undoubtedly help you unlock the full potential of your development team.

Hiring top-notch talent isn’t just about finding code experts. It’s about finding folks who can code and connect with others. This guide is your go-to for building a dream tech team. Keep these software developer soft skills in mind, and you’ll have a team that’s not just good but awesome!

  1. Effective Communication Skills

For developers, being a great communicator isn’t just a plus; it’s a must. As it’s not just about coding, it’s also about sharing ideas, solving technical complexities with your coding buddies, and presenting features to clients. Mastering effective communication is essential for daily activities and long-term success.

Based on information shared on Teamstage, employees who are well-informed significantly outshine their peers who lack strong communication skills.

In one of the podcasts of Culture, Comms, and Cocktails, Kristin Graham, Principle of Culture & Communications at Amazon mentioned that ‘Amazon ensures a safe space for their new developers to communicate. They pair up a new developer with a more experienced colleague, but they also encourage new hires to connect and communicate with others in order to “have vulnerable conversations”, as she puts it.’

So, if you hire developers and think of a developer working in isolation, writing code, and not interacting and communicating, erase that thought.

Communicating is part of not only developers’ jobs but everybody’s jobs.

2. Ability To Collaborate With Others

Imagine you hire developers and they’re working together to create technical products in a short time — just like in hackathons. It’s not just about solo coding; it’s about teaming up for project success. This means being a great team player helps get things done.

When hiring developers, make sure they’re good at working together. You can check this during interviews. Moreover, around 75% of employers consider this ability to be extremely important, emphasizing its prominence in fostering effective teamwork and achieving shared goals. So, when building your dream team, keep an eye on their collaborative spirit — it’s the secret sauce for success!

3. Time Management

Time management is one of the most crucial skills every developer must possess. As the lack of time management skills even in one developer can hamper the productivity of the entire team.

It’s not just about meeting deadlines; effective time management ensures efficient workflow, minimizes delays, and contributes to a harmonious work environment. That’s why it’s important to look for time management skills while hiring developers.

4. Patience

Interacting with various stakeholders is an apparent part of the process, demanding a high level of patience. Working within a team demands this need; not everyone operates at the same pace, and a patient approach becomes a valuable soft skill.

When you hire offshore developers for your company, ask some technical questions, even if you’re not sure of the answer. The key is not just in their response but in how well they explain complex concepts. A seasoned developer excels not only in technical expertise but also in explaining complex technical concepts to either juniors, freshers, or maybe to your team members. Where patience meets proficiency, success follows seamlessly.

5. Ability To Work Under Pressure

Working under pressure is one thing but working under pressure calmly is what makes a developer stand out. It’s not just about meeting deadlines; it’s about doing so with a calm mind that sets a developer apart. A skilled developer isn’t just aware of their surroundings; they adeptly respond to the evolving environment.

Daniel Goleman, American psychologist and author, described it as a developer’s ability to control and express their feelings appropriately and effectively. From managing tight project timelines to adapting to unexpected challenges, this professional perspective on working under pressure is the hallmark of a developer.

6. Accountability

It’s tough to identify during the interview, whether the candidate is accountable or not. Being on time is a part of accountability if the developer is on time for the interview,

This is a tough skill to check during the pre-screening, but something as simple as being on time is a part of accountability. If a developer is late for the meeting, be aware that this person might not take the job seriously or consider themselves accountable for the project.

7. Flexibility

Having flexibility in the skill set is the cherry on the cake. As the tech landscape is dynamic, a developer’s ability to adapt to changing circumstances is crucial. Looking for signs of flexibility, when you hire offshore developers during the interview can prove to be fruitful in the long run.

Keep The Above Factors In Mind When You Hire Offshore Developers

Building a dream tech team isn’t just about finding code experts; it’s about identifying individuals with a perfect blend of technical expertise and soft skills. Effective communication, collaboration, time management, patience, ability to work under pressure, accountability, and flexibility are the pillars of success in the tech industry.

In a world where innovation thrives on collaboration and adaptability, the soft skills outlined above are the catalysts for achieving not just project goals but long-term success. As you embark on the journey of hiring developers, remember, that it’s not just about the lines of code; it’s about creating a team that’s not just good but extraordinary. So, when you hire offshore developers for your company, you’re basically assembling the architects of your company’s success story.

