Internet Valuations and Multiples

Vivek Goyal
3 min readJun 13, 2021


Valuing internet companies is quite tricky, especially because most of them are growing really fast, losing money in the short term and have different long-term margin profile. Below, I share our method of valuing these companies and plan to share weekly updates on twitter. Would love to discuss and learn!

Choosing a method to value internet companies
People use use different methods to value internet companies, including using DCF, EV/ Revenue, P/E, EV/ EBITDA or EV/ GP. Every method has its pros and cons. EV/ EBITDA and P/E are inefficient as most internet companies are still investing for growth. EV/ Revenue is not uniform because internet business have different long-term margin profile.

Some folks, including us, use EV/ (long-term EBITDA) i.e. EV/ LT EBITDA. LT EBITDA is calculated by multiplying company’s long-term hypothetical EBITDA margin by NTM revenue to calculate pro-forma NTM EBITDA. This method allows you to compare all internet companies uniformly on a single metric.

Creating an index of fast growing internet companies
We created an index of ~30 fast growing internet companies to analyze their EV/ LT EBITDA multiples. Currently, this index has an average multiple of 31x NTM EBITDA.

Index of fast growing internet companies

Companies ranked by EV/ NTM LT EBITDA

Internet companies ranked by EV/ LT EBITDA

Index average multiples over time
To understand how these multiples have changed, we analyzed the average multiples of the index over the past 8 years. Key takeaways:

  • current multiple is 31x
  • 8-yr average 21x
  • peak pre-covid 27x
  • peak post-covid 44x
  • bottom 13x

Current multiples are 20% above pre-covid peak and 50% above long-term average.

Internet Index — Average EV / NTM LT EBITDA

Growth vs. Multiples
Chart below shows EV/ NTM LT EBITDA divided by NTM growth expectations, depicting how cheap / expensive the companies are relative to growth. Current average of this metric is 1.0x. Pre covid, average varied between 0.6x and 0.8x.

Internet companies ranked by EV/ NTM LT EBITDA/ Growth

Scatter plot of growth vs. multiples

Apart from growth, the following qualitative factors determine EV/ LT EBITDA multiple:

  • Nature of revenue: All things equal, subscription businesses (NFLX, SPOT, MTCH) trade at higher multiples than ads or e-commerce due to higher predictability of revenue.
  • Profitability: Companies that prove profitability / unit economics in one segment/ geography get re-rated as Market gets confidence in their LT EBITDA profile.

Would love to discuss and learn!

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Vivek Goyal

Internet investing at Altimeter Capital. Views personal. No recommendations.