Biden will ask Americans to wear masks for his first 100 days

7 min readDec 4, 2020


Analysis by Stephen Collinson and Maeve Reston, CNN

Updated 12:03 AM ET, Fri December 4, 2020

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(CNN)President John F. Kennedy urged Americans to ask not what their country could do for them, but what they could do for their country. When he takes the same oath of office next month, Joe Biden will effectively beseech the nation to do exactly the same thing, if in more prosaic terms, with an

The President-elect revealed the galvanizing, altruistic, first national rallying call of his administration in an exclusive CNN interview on Thursday with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, previewing a sharp change of direction when he succeeds

“Just 100 days to mask, not forever. One hundred days. And I think we’ll see a significant reduction,”levels when he takes office than its current alarming spike.

Ever since President Franklin Roosevelt took office in the dark days of the Great Depression in 1933, the first 100 days have marked the apex of a new US leader’s power and often the most prolific period for policy wins.

During the interview Thursday, Biden referenced the steep challenges Roosevelt confronted when he was first elected, noting that the current circumstances are “not unlike what happened in 1932.”

“There was a fundamental change, not only taking place here in the United States, but around the world,” Biden told Tapper. “We’re in the middle of this fourth industrial revolution,” he noted. With all the changes in technology, he said, Americans are wondering, “Will there be a middle class? What will people be doing? … There’s genuine, genuine anxiety.”

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FDR told Americans in his first inaugural address that “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself,” steeling a demoralized citizenry to hold firm amid a banking crisis that threatened to destroy an already devastated economy.

Biden will take office amid the most extreme domestic circumstances of any president since Roosevelt, with sickness and death rampant and millions of Americans unemployed, hungry or at risk of losing their homes.

CNN Exclusive: Biden says he will ask Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days he’s in office

Like his Democratic forbear, he will use the iconic opening moments of his term to summon an exhausted people to unite, in common cause — with the help of new vaccines — this time to beat the virus and save the economy.

There is a question, however, whether Biden’s calls for national unity will resonate among people who didn’t vote for him after Trump’s relentless attacks on the legitimacy of his victory in the presidential election. But Biden’s call to action may carry greater urgency now that the virus is taking hold in rural areas of the heartland with comparatively rudimentary health care systems, which escaped the first wave of infection that concentrated in many cities that tend to vote for Democrats.

Biden’s interview — his first since the election that also included Harris — underscored a complete course correction from Trump’s attitude towards the virus. The pandemic has never been worse than it is now in the United States. One American is dying every 30 seconds amid record fatality figures and hospitalizations. Doctors and nurses are exhausted after months inside overflowing under-resourced Covid wards.

More than 276,000 people have now died from coronavirus in the United States and the nation set a new record for hospitalizations on Thursday with more than 100,667 people being treated for Covid-19.

Yet the current President is ignoring the carnage, as he pursues his fantastical lies and claims the election that he lost by a comfortable margin was stolen.

Trump has frequently mocked the wearing of masks. He is holding holiday parties inside the White House in defiance of his own government’s health recommendations. When he returned home after his bout in military hospital with Covid-19 he famously turned to the cameras and ripped off his mask.

By contrast, and if past behavior is any guide, it is conceivable that one of Biden’s first acts after delivering his inaugural address in 47 days will be to put his mask back on.

Biden asks Fauci to stay in his current role

Biden said he asked Fauci to stay on and be a chief medical adviser in his administration

In another sign of a fresh approach to the pandemic, Biden said in the interview he had asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, who Trump has marginalized and insulted, to continue his current role as the nation’s top infectious diseases specialist in Biden’s administration and announced an effective promotion for the globally respected expert.

“I asked him to stay on the exact same role he’s had for the past several presidents, and I asked him to be a chief medical adviser for me as well, and be part of the Covid team,” Biden told Tapper, in a gesture that implies a return to continuity and science based policy-making after Trump’s wild presidency.

Biden emphasized that he and Fauci spoke about the fact that “you don’t have to close down the economy” if Americans are following through with other safety protocols to prevent the spread of the virus. And he noted that even before they spoke, Fauci has been speaking regularly with Ron Klain, Biden’s incoming chief of staff, and the two forged a close working relationship during the Ebola outbreak. The President-elect also said during the interview that he would get the vaccine publicly to show the public his confidence in it.

“When Dr. Fauci says we have a vaccine that is safe, that’s the moment in which I will stand before the public and say that,” Biden said. People have lost faith in the ability of the vaccine to work. Already the numbers are really staggeringly low, and it matters what the president and vice president do.”

Earlier this week, former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama all pledged to get the vaccine in public view to help combat vaccine skepticism. Biden said his three predecessors “have set the model as to what should be done.”

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