Zeronet why we should take it into account?

Goyo Regalado
6 min readAug 26, 2019

What will happen if Internet were impossible to censor? How it would be a real fault-tolerant Internet where the content could be browsable even offline?

Photo credits: SBTL1

Probably this is related to my summer lectures, or maybe, its about all media noise related to fake news, this could have any relationship with some countries intervencionism that proscribe some technological companies based on more or less legitimate interests, or maybe this is just about curiosity, but a couple of days ago I re-stablished contact with a project that fascinated me in the past. I’m talking about, let’s take a closer look at it.

First time that I heard about Zeronet was three years ago while reading this article in which they put into the mouth of Tim Berners Lee that he heavily dislikes the way that Internet goes and talked about other way of serving contents using p2p networks. I couldn’t resist and tried Zeronet that same day.

What’s Zeronet?

Zeronet is the result of applying cryptography and a peer to peer perspective to the Internet content serving process. Let me explain.

From a traditional point of view, when someone wants to publish a web should pay for a hosting (It’s the equivalent to rent some space in the hard disk of the server of a company) or he should set up a web…

