Gozie obi(O.B)
2 min readMar 8, 2019

The choas of two worlds.

Religion has lost its purpose.

people use it as a means of control.

The creation of god and gods, where created to ask the deepest questions like “Why are we here?”.This question I believed has puzzled mankind for ages, and because his mental capacity cant comprehend the wonder of everything ( the perfect structure of the universe and how it operates), Man always seeks to understand. In the process science came in which is the relation of things based on facts, but still the beauty and the order of the universe ponders man about his own existence, so therefore these brought about religion, which was now based on faith, that says

“we should accept things as they are that someone made all this and its creation cant be knowable”.

therefore faith comes in.

Now religion was created based on the ‘UNKNOWN’ while science was created based on the ‘KNOWN’.

These two creations by men, is what have control mans life, “Religion and Science”. Inside the Religion arose its division, everyone brought about there version of God(idealogy) this alone has created the greatest genocide known to the human specie; A battle of an imagination. this imagination has brought about hatred, anger murder etc. And except one. believes the idea in my head, i therefore find him acceptable.

Stories, books and alot of different materials were created to explain this imagination.

The Christian bible records account of a type of God, who has the characteristics of a human; which bears Anger, jealousy, love, power, control, punishment etc in this he expresses himself that if one does not do his biddings that a great lake of fire awiates him.

These are the same with the other religions. Every religion has its own hell and heaven, and the only way to be saved is to accept a particular idea of their cult( Religion).

These days as science expands, The Gods of every religion becomes smaller and smaller; things that where said to be impossible became possible, man began to fly, man began to tap in the white light ( electricity).

As much as things are discovered, the big question still a ponders man, “how did everything come about?” Science say its the big bang, Religion says its a man up in the sky.

Gozie obi(O.B)

I write about love, physcology, philosophy and spirituality..