The market of digital photography by 2021 will reach 110,79 billion.

3 min readFeb 9, 2018


The idea of the GPCC project arose from the business model of the company, which has to deal with thousands of artists who provide their work for sale. Thanks to the new service, creative individuals from all over the world will be able not only to protect their authorship of their works, but also to earn on them, without fear of copying or using by others.

At the moment, many can meet their own works on the web and will never be able to prove their authorship. Traditionally, copyright protection involves 8 lost months, including collection of documents, payment of fees and, of course, waiting. A person constantly producing content needs to have a whole team to just protect their authorship. GPCC is a modern alternative to the red tape and offers an easy way out.

According to the results of Zion Market Research, the digital photography market will reach $ 110.79 billion by 2021.

The GPCC platform is a service based on blockchain technology. Thanks to the advantages of blockchain technology, you can save copyright information on many different computers and exclude data substitution. In this case, when using GPCC, it becomes possible to view the entire history, from the initial download of the work to the subsequent transfer of copyright to the product, or check the current license for the product.

The developed platform will have a marketplace of works that can be purchased for use. Any user who uploaded his image to GPCC, automatically becomes a seller of his goods around the world and is guaranteed to profit from its use (note-launched beta version which is an international version of the Russian project )

All users of this technology have equal access to the system. All operations generated in data blocks are stored among all network participants, and each block contains a reference in the form of encrypted data of the previous block.

The encryption or hashing process is performed by a large number of computers running on the same network. If the result is the same for all calculations, the block receives a unique digital signature-the signature sign.

The formation of the new unit leads to the updating of the main book, and change it does not. This means that it is impossible to fake it, but you only need to add new records. It is important to remember that the workbook is updated simultaneously to all computers on the network.

The spread of blockchain databases among many computers makes it impossible for hackers to hack into it. After all, they must have simultaneous access to the database copy on all computers in the network. The technology also allows to secure personal data, as the process of hashing is irreversible. Even if they manage to modify the original document or transaction, they will immediately receive another document.

The idea of blockchain technology is quite simple. This is a huge database for public use without centralized power management.”

GPCC solves the problem of many creative people. Without leaving home, they have the opportunity to protect their copyrights to any work, as well as the opportunity to immediately receive income for their results.

It is a new world that has become possible with the discovery of new technologies.

