To steal or not to steal? That’s the question.

1 min readFeb 26, 2018


Often the common misconception is that all the materials that get into the network can be copied or downloaded, but I dare disappoint you-it is not so! Everything you see on the Internet has the same potential as anything you can see in a bookstore, magazine shelves, photo galleries and exhibitions. I walk through the exhibition of the famous artist, you obviously do not take his work and quietly leave? I think it’s not going to work unequivocally. To purchase it works you’ll need to pay a certain sum of money, which will be given to the artist for their work. If you still think differently and you can afford to pick up from the art gallery you liked the work, you will not have the most pleasant communication with the police.

In this example, I would like to show you that every work must be protected.

GPCC offers You to protect your work from the comfort of home.

