How To Be A Great Leader

And An Even Better Friend

Garrett Petticrew
7 min readAug 31, 2019
Photo by TK Hammonds on Unsplash

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

Friendship and leadership are two descriptions that are rarely used together. I think they can often be synonyms.

As a 29-year-old, I’ve spent most of my working life as an employee with a “boss,” so my formal leadership experience could be considered to be lacking. I disagree with this, though, because leadership is certainly not telling people what to do.

Leadership is soft skills. It’s learning how to listen, empathize, and understand the people you are interacting with to such a degree that you can take action to improve their lives. In a work environment, we call this leadership, but in an intimate environment, this is called friendship.

After thinking through this for a while, and after a bit of inspiration, I’ve boiled down a few things anyone can do to improve their leadership and friendship skills.

These skills can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

1. See Potential In Others



Garrett Petticrew

I write for myself and everyone like me. The screw-ups tired of screwing up. Emails that help you thrive →