Photo credit: Massimo Sestini / Polaris

#GPF16 Live streams

Global Philanthropy Forum
4 min readMar 21, 2016

The 2016 GPF Conference is entitled People on the Move and will consider the implications of what may be the new normal as people are moving at historically unprecedented rates. It will consider the conditions under which migrations occur, the implications of each and the role that philanthropy can play in addressing the causes, enabling the transitions and mitigating the impact.

Tune in Live Starting April 4 at 11:00 AM

People on the Move

April 4 at 11:00 AM PST

People on the move are challenging class claims, blurring boundaries, redefining nations and asserting their own individual and cultural identities. As a result, labor markets are changing, social orders are evolving and states are transforming. This is a moment of transition. How can we mitigate the inherent dangers in the interregnum and embrace the positive changes, such as the opportunities being brought forth by technology and networks?

Jane Wales, CEO, Global Philanthropy Forum and World Affairs Council; Vice President, The Aspen Institute

Chris Stone, President, Open Society Foundations

Filling the Gaps in Humanitarian Aid

April 4 at 12:00 PM PST

Over the past fifteen years, the demand for humanitarian aid has increased dramatically. The world currently spends $25 billion to provide assistance to 125 million people, and according to a UN High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing, another $15 billion is required to adequately meet the needs of those affected by violent conflict, natural disaster, demographic shifts and rapid urbanization, among other circumstances. As a result, the humanitarian sector is undergoing a period of self-reflection with the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit to be held in Istanbul, Turkey in May 2016. What has been learned and where is the sector heading? What is the role of public, private and social sector actors in filling the gaps in aid? And what is the unique role of philanthropy in both addressing the root causes of humanitarian crises and increasing the pool of available resources?

Guy Cave, Managing Director, Geneva Global

Hadeel Ibrahim, Executive Director, Mo Ibrahim Foundation

Zouera Youssoufou, CEO, Dangote Foundation

MODERATOR Peter Laugharn, President and CEO, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

Meeting the Immediate and Long-term Needs of the Displaced

April 5 at 8:30 AM PST

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in 2014 there were nearly 60 million refugees and IDPs worldwide — the highest number since World War II. What is the social sector’s role in meeting the immediate needs of the most vulnerable while at the same time, creating long-term strategies for ensuring the security and well-being of those forced to flee their homes?

Jeanne Bourgault, CEO, Internews

Deogratias Niyizonkiza, Founder and CEO, Village Health Works

Amy Rao, Founder and CEO, Integrated Archive Systems

MODERATOR Sasha Chanoff, Founder and Executive Director, RefugePoint

Alexander Betts, Leopold W. Muller Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs and Director of the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford

Leveraging Culture and Traditions

April 5 at 1:00 PM PST

Development that is sensitive to local circumstances builds tolerance for differences, engages many stakeholders and is more likely to succeed and be sustained. How can culture and traditions be leveraged to build inclusive societies? And what is the role of traditional leaders in this process?

Her Royal Highness Sylvia Nagginda, Queen of Buganda Kingdom, Uganda

The Search for Belonging through Violent Extremist Networks

April 5 at 2:00 PM PST

According to the UN, an estimated 15,000 radicals from more than 80 nations have joined extremist groups. These networks have become increasingly diverse, attracting youth from different religious, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. This session will consider why this is the case; the threat extremist groups pose to individuals, societies and states; and the ways in which civil society organizations, philanthropists, policymakers and business leaders are working together to advance political pluralism and social tolerance and prevent disaffection and radicalization.

Shamil Idriss, President and CEO, Search for Common Ground

Will McCants, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Kyai Haji Yahya Cholil Staquf, General Secretary, Nahdlatul Ulama Supreme Council


The Jobs Challenge

April 6 at 9:00 AM PST

People in fast growing economies are experiencing social and economic mobility for the first time, joining the middle class. Producers and makers are finding new markets for their commodities or wares, entrepreneurs are better able to access capital and customers, and job seekers are better able to connect with potential employers. Networks and knowledge are not only enabling economic growth and opportunity, but they are changing the very nature of work. Yet the “jobs challenge” remains so long as there is a short supply of the skills required for the jobs that await. What models exist for closing the skills gap? Moreover, how might employers better signal the skills they seek, and job seekers convey the skills they’ve attained, sometimes in non-traditional ways? How might each leverage networks to connect to one another?

Sandra Aguebor, Founder, Lady Mechanic Initiative

Karan Chopra, Co-founder and Partner, Opportunity@Work

Joshua Oigara, CEO, KCB Group

Shai Reshef, President, University of the People

MODERATOR Mark Surman, Executive Director, Mozilla Foundation

Special Address

April 6 at 10:45 AM PST

REMARKS Antony Blinken, United States Deputy Secretary of State

Philanthropy’s Role: Solving for Crisis while Taking the Long View

April 6 at 11:15 AM PST

War, violent extremism and the resulting migrant crisis threaten human security in the Levant and well beyond. In the face of tragedy, private philanthropies and those they support seek to help. Their near-term goal is to alleviate the suffering. Over the longer term they hope to advance economic development and societal resilience so that future crises can be averted. Leaders of philanthropies in the region, Europe and the US will share their perspectives with GPF members. What assets — tangible and intangible — does philanthropy bring to the table?

Fayeeza Naqvi, Co-founder and Chairman, The Aman Foundation

Donna Shalala, President, Clinton Foundation

MODERATOR Daniel Schwartz, CEO, Porticus

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Global Philanthropy Forum

Global Philanthropy Forum (GPF) aims to build a community of donors & social investors committed to international causes.