To Jew Haters who Praise Hitler and Hamas

G.P. Gottlieb
4 min readOct 29, 2023

I don’t want to read another word from any of you.

A woman holding a sign with a Star of David that says NO MAS Hamas (no more Hamas)

Thanks to Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash for this photo

Didn’t see a lot of protesting when over 102,000 were killed in Ethiopia, over 82,000 were killed in Ukraine, and over 20,000 were killed in Myanmar last year. Haven’t heard you express concern about any other suffering nations being attacked by various factions. Maybe that’s because there is no Iran to do huge amounts of publicity or who funds huge networks of terrorists, or who wants to prevent a relationship between Israel and other Arab nations.

Or, maybe you were always an antisemite. I’m glued to videos of you and your fellow Hamas supporters screaming for the annihilation of my people. You gleefully call for our deaths, you celebrate the vicious attack of October 7th without expressing a any concern for the 220+kidnapped hostages being kept in a spiderweb network of underground tunnels, among them babies, children, and elderly citizens. And you demand a ceasefire from Israel because NOW you’re worried about the Gazans.

We already know that unless Hamas is destroyed, they will try again and again to destroy us. Unless you are the kind of Muslim they like, they will also want to kill you. If you’re gay, they will also want to kill you. When Israel offered passage for Gazan citizens to get out of the areas where weapons are buried, Hamas prevented them from leaving. Where’s your anger about that? Egypt refuses to accept and Palestinian refugees — any comment from you about that?

Apparently, you believe Israel, and only Israel is to blame for the miserable lives the Gazan people have had to live since Hamas took over. Guess you weren’t bothered by their lack of clean water (despite the billions of dollars that flowed into Gaza) and all their other deprivations under Hamas. Israel, as you probably know since you are concerned about the area, completely left Gaza in 2005. Not a single Jew lives there, but don’t worry, there are luxury car dealerships, estates and wealthy neighborhoods, and all kinds of things for Hamas leaders to do. Hamas built tunnels and weapons, hoarded barrels of oil and provisions instead of building roads, hospitals, and schools, and the top Hamas leaders are all multi-millionaires, none of whom live in Gaza. And negative comments from you about that?

You are only worried that right now, Israel is retaliating against the worse attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust, leaving 1400 dead, thousands injured, and 220+ hostages. How can you scream about proportionality when Hamas is holding babies as hostages?

Either you’ve forgotten the beheading, burning, rape, mutilation, and murder of my people on October 7, 2023, or you’ve bought into a narrative that says 1) Israel is not behaving with ‘proportional’ restraint, 2) Israel should be viewed as colonizers even though they have been on that land for over 3000 years, and 3) Hamas has the right to murder and destroy because Israel isn’t allowing Palestinians to take over “from the river to the sea.”

This is a complex issue — there are no simple answers here. Israel has offered peace a number of times (you probably kept up with that since you’re worried about Palestinians). And do you remember what happened with each peace offer? There was usually a U.S. President involved, so this is history we’re talking about. The answer is that Palestinian leaders declined to accept 95% of the West Bank and all of Gaza. They were very clear: they wanted ALL of Israel. And you’re okay with killing or expelling all Jews as they were expelled from every Arab country? And your reason is that YOU have decided that only the Muslim people, whose religion was not even yet discovered until the 7th century of this common era, have a right to the land that Jews had lived on (unless they were being murdered and expelled) for a few thousands years?

No two-state solution, huh? Just to be clear — you’re demanding one state that excludes Jews. Did I get that right? And you want Israel to stop fighting for its very existence.

If you’ve bought the propaganda, the lies, and the misconceptions, then nothing I say will convince you that barbaric behavior is not acceptable no matter what the provocation. Torturing parents in front of their children is never acceptable. And for those of you who refuse to believe the barbarity of Hamas, they took dozens of blood-splattered videos that they proudly displayed. Can you justify a child being shot, a dead teenager being riddled with bullets, or a woman being raped and tortured because they were Jewish?

If so, you have lost your humanity, and I don’t want to hear more of your mean comments. In fact, I’ll just block you. Nothing you say is worth reading if you are willing to excuse Hamas for its massacre of innocent civilians. You’ve made your lack of a moral compass abundantly clear.

Added note: on 11/3/23 I deleted the comments after some very obnoxious and antisemitic responses, including one young man who accused me of ignoring history. Does that history include the slaughter of babies on October 7th, Sir? Because you seem to think that Israel was responsible for the beheading of children, burning families alive, and executing elderly citizens.

I will continue to maintain that there is no excuse for barbarism, political or otherwise, and although my heart breaks for innocent Gazans and Palestinians who long for peace, a ceasefire can occur the moment Hamas releases the hostages and stops shooting rockets into Israel’s cities from (along with other Iranian proxies). The war will end when Hamas and the P.A. accept a Jewish state, flawed thought it may be.



G.P. Gottlieb

Musician, reader, dreamer, baker, master of snark, and author of the Whipped and Sipped culinary mystery series ( Also editor, Write and Review