Thoughts while stuck in Bay Area traffic

Grace Stetson
2 min readMay 26, 2016


  • Okay, it’s only 5:03 pm. It shouldn’t take me too long to drive all 10.9 miles home, right?
  • Hahahahaha, I’m so funny.
  • Okay, so…out of the five possible routes home, this one’s the fastest…at an average of 45 minutes.
  • Hope there’s something good on the radio.
  • Should I just stay longer at work? Maybe go to the gym, or the library?
  • Nah, let’s sit in bumper to bumper traffic instead.
  • Oh god. If I have to listen to one more unknown boy group talk about lost love, I will rip my damned ears off.
  • Goddamn, all of these songs are about love.
  • And…goodbye radio.
  • You’re better in the morning anyway (hey Kevin Klein Live).
  • Well, if I’m stuck here anyway, I might as well check Facebook.
  • Hmmm…no one posting seems to be stuck in traffic.
  • Live your best life.
  • I wonder if the hordes of employees at Facebook are affecting my traffic?
  • Well, all of these startups are, truly, affecting the traffic.
  • At least Stanford offers incentives for us to carpool.
  • I should carpool.
  • …but then I’d have to actually leave at the time I say I will every morning…
  • …rather than finishing up all of my “Law & Order: SVU” binging on Hulu…
  • Ehhhh, how much do I really need that extra dinero?
  • Anyway, maybe the tech companies should offer more incentives for their employees…
  • They do offer those big buses though…
  • Which are illegally using the county’s bus stops as their own.
  • Goodness gracious, it seems like I’m going to be here forever.
  • But, I guess that’s the price we pay to live here?
  • Nah, it wasn’t this bad when I was a kid.
  • Then again, Facebook and Apple and all of these other companies were just starting out then…
  • Can’t tell if it’s better to have Facebook, Apple, etc., when it means I’m stuck in traffic for an hour going about 11 miles.
  • Don’t even get me started on all of the housing construction on El Camino…
  • Where are all of those people going to park? Why do I only see apartment buildings and high rises, but no parking garages?
  • Also, who the hell needs a freaking balcony if their apartment is literally over El Camino? You can just sit out there and wave to the people stuck in hour+ traffic.
  • Plus, with all of those extra people and traffic, comes a higher cost of living.
  • Awesome.
  • Oh goodie, I’m almost home.
  • Only saw three dead deer today.
  • Poor animals, just looking for water, as their land’s used up for new housing construction.
  • You know, I doubt that I would have this much trouble in other places.
  • But…I do love the Bay Area.
  • Andddddddddddddd I’m home.
  • Ah, only 43 minutes today.
  • Can’t wait to finally finish “War & Peace” on the drive tomorrow.



Grace Stetson

Freelance journalist covering housing in the Bay Area. Must haves: corgis, coffee, and NPR Tiny Desk Concerts.