Important Factors to Reduce Personal Loan Interest Rates

Grace Bell
4 min readJul 22, 2022


A personal loan is a type of financial credit line that has many advantages and can be used for a variety of purposes. Most of the time, we take out personal loans to cover unexpected financial expenses such as home renovations, medical emergencies, credit card debt repayment, purchasing a new two-wheeler, or funding our sibling’s college education or wedding expenses.

When you visit aggregator sites, you will find top lenders from all over India who will provide information on the maximum loan amount they can offer as well as preferential interest rates.

personal loan interest rate

Interest rates on personal loans are calculated by the banks. They keep their eyes open for new borrowers, who will lead to an increase in surplus funds, which is a good sign as far as they are concerned. The banks also keep an eye on existing customers and their earnings potential, so they also get regular reports on how much more value you bring with you. So if your interest rate is too high and you are willing to cut it down.

The majority of people look for low-interest rate deals. Income level, credit history, inflation, and economic growth are all factors that influence personal loan interest rates.

So, here are some of the factors that will influence personal loan interest rates:

Your monthly earnings:

When you apply for personal loans, your source of income will be a major consideration in determining the loan amount. These are unsecured loans, which means you don’t have to put up any collateral to get them. As a result, the only way lenders can ensure that you will repay on time is to check your income level. With a higher income, you can comfortably repay the lender. Low personal loan interest rates will be charged to you. Borrowers with low incomes would have to pay a higher interest rate.

Your place of employment:

Your personal loan interest rates will also be influenced by the company for which you work. Banks and non-banking finance companies place more trust in borrowers who work in publicly traded and well-established companies because it demonstrates a consistent source of income. As a result, lenders will be willing to negotiate and offer you a loan with a low-interest rate. This, in turn, reflects your job stability and ability to repay the loan comfortably. Working in start-ups and smaller firms would result in higher interest rates.

Your CIBIL Level:

It goes without saying that whether you apply for a personal or home loan, a car, or a bike loan, any lender will evaluate your credit history before approving the loan amount electronically. It is a numerical score ranging from 300 to 900. A credit score of 700 or higher is considered good for negotiating with lenders and lowering your personal loan interest rates. A high credit score indicates that you are a reliable and responsible borrower. Check your CIBIL score before applying for a loan, and if it’s low, try to improve it as soon as possible before approaching any lender.

Some economic factors to consider:

Aside from these factors, there are external parameters such as national economic growth, inflation, or new monetary policies instituted by the RBI that may have a minor impact on your personal loan interest rates. Lending institutions will charge higher interest rates if growth is highly volatile. All of these factors may appear to be beyond your control; however, if you have a good income source, a good CIBIL score, and work in a good organization, you will be able to get the best interest rate deals.

Many online aggregator sites gather the best personal loan interest rates for you under one roof. It is preferable to conduct extensive research in order to find low-interest rate deals and apply for a loan online. Online eliminates the cost of middlemen and inventory setup, passing the savings on to the end user in the form of low-interest rate deals.

The rate you pay on a personal loan depends on a number of factors.

  • Firstly, the amount of money you borrow and how long it takes before you repay it.
  • Secondly, the type of work that you do.
  • Thirdly, an analysis of your current salary and other factors like credit rating will also change the base interest rate offered.
  • Finally, the loan tenure affects your monthly income as you will have to keep paying the bank even after paying off your loan every month.



Grace Bell

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