Adding New Members | Day 11 of 90

Grace Elina
1 min readSep 30, 2019


I almost forgot to blog today but then I remembered while I was reaching for a late-night snack. Today I spent my 30 minutes working on adding a new member to the team. I’m thinking of adding a designer. I initially wanted to do the design myself but decided that although I would’ve loved making the UX — I am one, not an experienced designer and two I have too much on my plate. So progress! I’m reaching out!

People always tell me don’t be afraid to ask for help. But truthfully its hard to know when to do things by yourself or when to ask others. I’m usually one to always figure things out for myself. Which sometimes is good. But sometimes it’s bad when things need to get done quickly.

Anyways enough chatter for today. I’m off to stretching and sleep!


