Intan Galiesta
3 min readJul 18, 2023

Inara’s First Flight Experience!

Throwback to the memory when I was in senior high school. I was chosen to be a delegation of West Java in Lawatan Sejarah Nasional X Event in Jambi. Going to Jambi was one of my favorite past because it gave me chances to experience how flight was. That was the first moment for me to travel with an airplane.

I did realize that for some people, flight could be something that was not special. But for me, who didn’t have courage and financial freedom enough to travel by myself by plane, the first flight experience was a very big jump.

Last week, I was appointed to go to Bali to train new employees. In my special condition, I still had to breastfeed so Inara had to go with me. It was really too thoughtful to imagine “can Inara enjoy the flight?”. I wanted to give her the best flight experience in her first year of the best life.

Inara, one day when you read this, I hope you’ll be happy to know that your parents was very passionate at this moment. When somebody asks you “Have you ever been on a plane?” the answer is definitely yes! In my opinion it will increase your confidence and broaden your cognitive area.

Look at the bright eyes and smiles she showed to me! I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I saw her sparkling joy. I knew that for a 9 month old baby, this journey perhaps wouldn’t everlasting in her memory. Maybe she wouldn’t remember at all? It motivated me to write this journal so she can read it one day when she understands.

Inara, my beloved one is really a brilliant girl! She did very well during the flight. No cry. No tantrums. Just a little bit hectic to see she put her toys down more than once because of boredom.

Look at the green squishy she threw!

She could entertain herself by observing all around her, interacted with people surrounding her, opened and closed the table on the airplane bench, played to sticks and peel off her sticker, and enjoyed her moment with the squishy we brought. As a mom who anticipated extremely, I felt so blessed to not face any drama in her first flight experience.

My beautiful daughter, this was just the first step. Ayah and Ibu will do anything to make sure we will have another trip. Let’s travel to many more places!***

Intan Galiesta

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