Interactive Learning & its importance

Grace Global Soft
4 min readNov 19, 2017


Gone are the days where learning delivery is top-down, with little thought to a student’s personal style or alignment to individual objectives. Personalization still remains a hot topic in institutional learning.

In order to engage students, institutes try out their hand at every cool new technology out in the market. However, ICT fraternity believes the right learning design combined with traditional storytelling, case studies and testimonials lay the foundation for interactivity in a classroom environment.

Modern browsers and new mobile technologies despite making leaps and bounds in the bringing technological solutions to classroom, are unable to provide learning content with high levels of interactivity-a precursor for effective learning. This is resulting in lower student engagement in the classroom and assessment outcome against technology use.

At the core of student engagement lies interactive content, which enhances the learning experience. Various studies have shown that digital content used in classroom learning does not serve as a self-paced, stand-alone learning content; instead a supplementary study material. On the other hand learning leaders face the challenge of delivering the content in a more engaging and interactive way.

Storytelling linked with examples and citations contained in the lessons are integral part of the overall engagement with the learning. Stories create a situation where the student feels directly and emotionally involved with the content, improving retention. Interactivity motivates students to stay involved in the learning.

Learning designers understood the need to replicate classroom interactivity on digital learning platforms and one of the ways of doing it is by making the white-boarding a central part of the classroom delivery. A whiteboard typically consists of various authoring tools to create content which is native to the platform and interactive in nature.

Some of the tips that have been identified to improve interactivity and student engagement:

Providing one-on-one student support can help in the learning to be more impactful.

Chunk learning delivery to smaller nuggets, to allow students to access bite-size information rather than drowning them in heaps on information. This is especially relevant in the current technology age where learning delivery happens over mobile devices where the students’ attention span is shorter than ever.

The phrase “Less is more” is also applicable in classroom delivery using technology. With so many new technology tools being introduced in the market every day, it is only natural to feel pressured to try most of them. Many ICT heads believe the key is to design learning content to prioritize interactivity and engagement from the start; by harnessing the power of traditional storytelling, facilitating the integration of knowledge by using case studies, group activities and real examples.

Make learning fun and social. Students today have a lot of distractions competing for their attention. Interactivity can add to the fun and excitement, which has a positive impact on student motivation, reflection, engagement and knowledge retention.

As students use higher order thinking skills, interpreting and summarizing information rather than merely labelling, memorizing or describing it, it is imperative that the content be interactive to enable faster and effective learning.

Interactive learning provides opportunities for the student to see content from different perspectives, and offer examples and opportunities to apply and test their understanding.

Institutions investing in engagement and interactivity will be rewarded with more motivated students, higher levels of student satisfaction, better learning outcomes and more alignment with overall curriculum objectives.

A global roll out of upgraded sophisticated interactive learning systems alone is not enough; tailored, localized content and engagement are the keys as it is about full learning experience, and that needs to be seamless, relevant, convenient and effective. CLASSIO is one such solution which prides in its ability to be a fully customizable learning solution.

CLASSIO by Grace Global Soft

CLASSIO is an interactive lesson delivery with easy-to-use tools for creating learning plans by structuring a specific sequence of courses for managing learning paths in a comfortable manner. Get an overview of all course pages and handle learning sequences on the fly. Assessment and reporting tool give teachers real-time insight into student understanding alongside tools to provide targeted, one-to-one support that moves the learning forward.

Course Authoring tools enable to create flexible and truly interactive courses that support blended learning. Courses that are created in CLASSIO out of the box will work perfectly on any device with a modern browser.

CLASSIO Learning Management System user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate for an unparalleled user experience that helps increases student engagement, monitors progress in real-time, personalize learning and provide one-to-one support to students who need it most.

For more information on CLASSIO, get in touch with us.

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Email: Sales@GraceGlobalSoft.Com



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