How Can I Help My Depressed Teen?

8 Quick Tips to Help Your Teenager Manage Their Mental Health

Steve Austin
8 min readFeb 21, 2019

Each day in our nation, there are an average of more than 3,041 attempts by young people grades 9–12. According to research by The Jason Foundation, more teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED.

I was a youth pastor for a decade, and I can tell you that no one was talking about teen mental health.

Before that, I was a teen with depression and PTSD. But neither my parents nor my church ever talked about mental health.

Since publishing From Pastor to a Psych Ward, I receive emails regularly from parents looking for resources to help their depressed teens. As a result, I’ve compiled six years of conversations into one concise blog post with 14 quick tips to help depressed teens.

Suicide prevention begins with you and me. Please share this blog with parents, teachers, youth pastors, and anyone else you know who cares about a teenager.

(You can also download my Amazon bestseller, From Pastor to a Psych Ward, FREE for a limited time. Keep reading for details.)



Steve Austin

I've come to know God best while recovering from a suicide attempt. Get a free copy of “From Pastor to a Psych Ward,” at