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Revealer of Secrets

Grace Mills
3 min readNov 30, 2022

All Power is given unto Me

Matthew 28:18

The words of an unbelieving king. (Gives glory to the King of King and the Lord of Lords-revealer of secrets) King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. He went to Jerusalem and besieged it. The Lord gave Jehoiakim, King of Judah, into his hand (Dan. 1:1–2). Now why God allowed this heathen king to take His people captive? Sin! See 2 Kings 24:1–5. God is merciful; He always warns. He sent prophets and was ignored by Judah. In this case, Judah’s sin gave a foothold to his enemies.

Back to King Nebuchadnezzar

He was a king that God blessed with a prophetic dream. The dream made him anxious. He felt one of his wise men could interpret and tell him the dream, but he also knew the opportunistic nature of the wise men; he gave no revelation of the dream and demanded that they speak and interpret it. He summons the astrologers, sorcerers, magicians, and Chaldeans. The king asked them to tell and interpret the dream and twice, and they told him they needed to know the dream and they would solve it for him. That response angered the king. He said, “For you have agreed to speak lying and corrupt words before me tell me the dream, and I shall know that you can give me its interpretation.

What an amazing thought

I’ll not tell you the dream. You’re the wise men, you tell me! An ingenious way to get the truth. But the wise men told him king “there is not a man on earth who can tell the kings matter and followed that statement with no king, Lord or ruler has ever asked such things of a magician, astrologer or Chaldean (Dan. 2:10). The declaration by the wise men was accurate. No man can tell these secret matters, but God can! Because this king was harsh in issues of the ruling, he ordered the killing of the wise men because no one was telling him this dream and its interpretation.

Death to all wise men

When Daniel heard about the king’s decree to kill all wise men, he asked the king’s captain, “Why is the king’s decree so urgent?” That got Daniel an audience with the king. This Daniel is a young man whom God gave knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom. Throughout the Bible are instances where God grooms and raises for His purpose and season.

Wise men seek Him

The king grants Daniels’s request to seek mercies from God of heaven concerning this secret so that Daniel and his companions wouldn’t be killed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon, and God revealed the secret to Daniel (Dan. 2:14–18). Just imagine, with all these men’s wisdom, it wasn’t enough to save them. Only the Lord God could do that! Daniel and his companions seeking God led to the king becoming a believer in the God of Israel.

The Unbelieving becomes the believing

Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face before Daniel and commanded that they present an offering and incense to him. The king said, “Truly your God is the God of Gods, the Lord of kings and a revealer of secrets (Dan. 2:46–48). The king promoted Daniel because God used him to reveal a secret that the wise men said, “There is not a man on earth that can tell the king’s matter.”

Your God is The God of Gods

That sounds like the king of kings and the Lord of Lords. The title of Jesus Christ in Revelation 19:16. Whatever story you read in the Bible; they all end with God’s grace being illuminated. At the revelation of the answer to the king’s dream, Daniel uttered these words, “He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him, Dan. 2:22.”

God’s grace

Only He is the revealer of secrets! Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), the bread of life (John 6:35). Feed on Him! Give Him center place in your life.



Grace Mills

Follower of Jesus Christ. Mother, grandmother, retired police sergeant and blogger. Author of Journey in Grace a memoir. Blog site: