You’ll Never Believe The Top Ten Feelings I Have Right Now Will Blow Your Mind

Grace O'Hara
3 min readOct 1, 2018

Number one: curiosity. That’s why you’re here isn’t it? A mind blowing, life changing listicle. Are you ready?

Number two: tired. Actually no, wait. I listened to a podcast about this the other day. Tiredness is no longer a thing. I think that’s what it said?

Number three: oh, you’re still here. I guess I should give you what you came for. Let’s start here.

There I was, with hands shaking, hand shaking my way around a room.

I’ve never been one for crowds, but duty called.

Too many faces, stories, trials to make sense of it all — arrange it all into a jigsaw where x/x pieces are missing.

I think that’s why I tried dominoes, setting up follow ups to find a one-to-one connection. Or was it to knock them down? I’m hazy on the details.

Tick it off, cross it off, doesn’t really work when you’re in the game of change.

My brain is a thousand live, colliding wires and few of them are holding hands. I think a robot would do a better job of this than me but we haven’t built one to replace me yet.

So now it’s just me.

Girl, facing a computer, facing the world. Trying to turn worlds both simultaneously in and out.

Trust in each other and co-create. Do this with tech and also with people. Keep the walls down, let your guard down, but don’t forget cybersecurity.

We can never forget about our fairytale villains: trolls. They’re everything wrong with the internet. They’re just an exaggeration of real life. They’re nothing on the bigger picture, which, come to think of it was…

Trust? Climate change? Global decision making or super volcanoes. The beginning of AI or the end of democracy. SDGs or RFPs?

I’m climbing out to dive back in to this sea that just keeps changing. I’d never forsake the water but sometime its vastness is as scary as it is life-affirming. A gift and a threat all rolled into one.

Is this what burnout feels like?

Advocate. Instigate. What does it really take to make the world a better place? It seems that’s all a lot of us want to do. But maybe I’m just caught in a goodwill bubble.

The time I’ll spend here feels too quick to tell. Too short to fill the impossible voids in those with not enough. And still, we’re held to impossible standards — social change at silicon speed and electric scale.

Quick wins, big wins, long-term goals. I forget it’s a privilege to even think like this. To consider which stone to throw, which ripples might go furthest, have the best return from shores I’ve never stood on.

What we need — or at least what we look for — is a boulder to turn to the tide.

I’ve never really felt part of history until now. Like this, the words seem to be uncontrollably flowing, warping, coalescing and disintegrat-

Oh look. Something’s here.

Am I outraged, or impressed? I don’t know these days. There’s just too much to feel, to consume, to sway.

Just stay.

For five. Four.




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Grace O'Hara

Trying to figure this world out, sometimes with words, mostly with action. Co-founder of