Bad days and good nights!

Josiah Gracia
2 min readJul 14, 2018

Bad days can turn into good nights and bad nights can turn into good days. It’s a vicious cycle of anxiety, partying, love, drugs, sexual tension and the occasional friend that sleeps in way too much.

You tell yourself that it will get better but is that always true? A bad day will sometimes stay a bad day, but don’t you love when the time comes for you to close your eyes and finally sleep away all the negativity?

From time to time you can still wake up and remember that life sucks and that you’re still filled with the negativity from the day before, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start fresh, and thrive on making it desirable.

Starting fresh means that you can have a better day. You can forget the bad and make it great again. Surround yourself with good and inspiring people. Get away from the drugs or items that get you down.

Put yourself in better positions and by the time night comes it will be epic, spectacular, the best night of your life. Isn’t it better to not just have a good night or a good day but both.

I definitely can look back to one of my favorite memories with my best friend Cameron. We went on this stupid hike that was frankly so much better then sitting in a room just playing on our phones.

It was a great day followed by an even better night. I can’t fathom what I would do with out her in my life Cameron has got me through so many bad days and bad nights. Like I said before. Find that certain someone or something to get you through the day/night.

Always make sure you change that trashy day into an unforgettable night or that sorry excuse of a night into an unbelievable day.



Josiah Gracia

We all fall down sometimes. All you have to do is get back up!