Gracie Jones
5 min readDec 20, 2020


Noah’s Ark – Real or fake?

Absolutely with out a doubt fake. Another story that we can conclusively gather as fake. Billions of people, brainwashed into this ridiculous story that is completely impossible. Proof? Read on…

7 factors that prove Noah’s ark to be total crap:

Building/structure of the Ark.

We see pictures of the ark that look like this:

These pictures are seen everywhere. Every children’s book about this Ark seems to portray the ark like this. Creationists (Extreme Christians) say ‘exact measurements in the bible can lead us to drawing realistic pictures of the Ark’ and then they draw the above. However, boats did not look like that in Noah’s supposed day and age – they were round! Apparently Noah and his three sons built the Ark by themselves in a eighty one years. Eighty one years of building a frame, building docks, scaffolds, workshops, fitting together cages and crates, gathering food and water for the coming voyage, getting the wood and putting the heavy planks for the ship in their exact places and attaching them. Also, by the time they did all this, the older wood would be rotting away, therefore unusable.

Accommodating all the animals:

Noah then supposedly collected two of each animal around the planet which seems confusing: Such a small number of animals reproducing could not possibly equal the real population that we have now. especially as we have hundreds of different types of one specie.

The most important part of proving the great flood did not happen at all or even anything to do with the bible’s description is this: the amount of different ethnicity found through the human race is impossible considering that the only humans supposedly survived were Mr. and Mrs. Noah, their daughters-in-law and Noah’s three sons. Considering this, can you agree that it must be impossible? Unless of course, creationists are making the argument of gene mutations. And even if that did happen, although it would still be impossible, there would still be way too little ethnicity to produce our diversity.

What about fish?

Some creationists have been befuddled by our question – what about the fish? This is a great question because fish cannot survive in both salt and freshwater (of course there are exceptions) and although those rare few can survive in both fresh and saline waters, pretty much all freshwater fish dropped in saltwater shrivel and die, while saltwater fish dropped in freshwater bloat and die. In conclusion, both will die.

According to the bible, the whole world was flooded. Scientists tells us that then the Earth would have been two parts water and one part sand, Mix two parts water to one part sand and then see if a fish will survive. I think it’s safe to assume that the fish will not survive and we don’t really have to discover the answer to that.

Then if we assume that the whole world had been flooded and that the whole world was two parts sand and one part water then all volcano eruptions and mountains forming was supposed to have occurred at the same time, filling the seas with rock, ash, and poisonous gases. The Earth would therefore have been wiped from life all together, so forests, grass, insects and everything would be dead.

What would happen after the flood? Wildlife along with every other living plant/animal not on the ark would be non-existent. Food? Building supplies? Water that isn’t filled with poison and ash? I think the rest can be worked out for yourself.

Every animal on board.

Robert D. Barnes calculated that as of Noah’s time, there was a total of 1,677,920 species.

In addition, there are many animals that are as yet unknown. Wendt estimates that only 2 percent of worms are known, which would easily add another million species. This includes 500,000 nematodes, 10,000 new species of insects per year etc.

Since they exist today, scientifically they must have been on the ark. 1,677,920 species must have been on the ark…

Gathering the animals.

According to the bible, the animals to go to Noah before the flood, and afterwards most of them find their way back around the world. on invisible bridges to countries over water Therefore fish must have migrated.

Surviving the flood.

Below is a quote from an article about what it must have been like whilst the boat sailed for 40 days:

‘The Flood was accompanied by violent movements of the earth’s crust and by volcanic activity of momentous proportions. Tremendous tidal waves and rushing currents scoured and deeply eroded the continental surface. Entire forests were ripped up and transported large distances to be dumped where the currents slowed. Even after the first forty days, when the greatest of the rains and upheavals diminished, the Scriptures say that the waters “prevailed” upon the earth for one hundred and ten days longer. This statement . . . would certainly imply that extensive hydraulic and sedimentary activity continued for a long time, with many earlier flood deposits perhaps re-eroded and reworked . . . . The only way in which land could now appear again would be for a tremendous orogeny to take place. Mountains must arise and new basins must form to receive the great overburden of water imposed upon the earth.

Yielding of the crust at even one point, with resultant escape of magmas and water or steam, would then lead to earth movements causing further fractures until, as the Scriptures portray so graphically, “the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up” (Genesis 7:11). Truly this was a gigantic catastrophe, beside which the explosion of the largest hydrogen bomb, or of hundreds of such bombs, becomes insignificant!

The worldwide ocean of the Genesis flood was swept by wind storms that would make modern tornadoes seem like a zephyr.

There are perhaps five hundred active volcanoes in the world, and possibly three times that many extinct volcanoes. But nothing ever seen by man in the present era can compare with whatever the phenomena were which caused the formation of these tremendous structures.’

Feeding time.

For the total number of creatures on the ark, and if all eight of the crew worked sixteen hours per day at the chore, each animal would have 44.3 seconds of attention during the space of 40 days. Some would have their meal on the first day, while others waited until they were nearly starved.

