The High Performance Podcast – Building the worlds most successful rugby team with the All Blacks legend Steve Hansen

Graeme Kilgour
3 min readSep 25, 2023


Here’s my favourite six quotes from the recent The High Performance Podcast episode with former All Black’s coach Steve Hansen.

Keep it simple

“The job of the coach is to take something that’s complex and complicated and make it simple.”

In essence, Hansen’s coaching philosophy centers on keeping things simple for optimal athlete performance

His approach aims to eliminate overthinking by simplifying complex aspects of the game, focusing on key areas like set piece, breakdown, tackle, catch, and pass.

  • Identify critical performance elements.
  • Break them into key areas.
  • Communicate clearly and simply.

Team first, individual second

“I didn’t want that care, love and support to get in the way of making tough decisions. So if I made the team more important than the individual, then the team would demand that I’d make those tough decisions.”

Steve Hansen’s coaching philosophy prioritises team over individuals, even while acknowledging the importance of treating players as human beings, not just athletes.

“The more the athlete knew that you cared about him, and you trusted him, and you were able to be vulnerable enough with them to share things and normalise things the more they would give you”

His approach blends tough decisions with genuine care, recognising that players perform better when they feel valued and trusted.

Ultimately, Hansen’s emphasis on both team unity and individual respect fosters open communication and positive outcomes, ensuring that no player feels bigger than the team.

Alignment throughout the group

“players would drive their alignment, they would lead it both on and off the field. You know, I wanted them to drive the bus as opposed to me being the driver.”

In a large international rugby team, alignment is crucial. Decisions are made collectively, allowing room for disagreement and robust conversations.

However, once the group decides on an outcome, everyone owns it, regardless of past disagreements. Alignment isn’t limited to senior members; it involves every individual.

Hansen emphasises players’ involvement in alignment, letting them lead on and off the field.

Success comes when the group shares a vision and values, without solely fixating on outcomes.

Prepare for pressure

“they thrive under pressure because they’ve prepared for it, right. It’s not the pressure that’s making them thrive. It’s the preparation that’s making them thrive”

At the elite level of sports, pressure is inevitable, especially for the All Blacks.

Steve highlights two types of pressure, internal and external, stemming from high expectations.

He underscores proactive preparation through mental readiness exercises, visualising scenarios, and discussing potential challenges.

Hansen’s teams thrive under pressure because of their thorough preparation.

They don’t thrive under pressure; they thrive because they’ve prepared for it.

This readiness gives them confidence, often leaving the opposition unprepared.

Coaching & leading

“The greatest pleasure I get is when I can get an athlete to achieve something that he or she wants to achieve and couldn’t achieve until you came along and gave them a little help”

Steve Hansen finds the greatest pleasure in helping athletes achieve their goals.

He believes coaching should focus on personal development rather than just winning.

Hansen sees himself as an “Empowerer,” trusting his coaching staff and structure to make decisions for the team’s benefit.

He uses the metaphor of a helicopter hovering above, facilitating instead of controlling.

Break the rules

“Rules are there to guide the brave and inhibit the foolish”

Hanson believes rigid rules can hinder progress and culture.

Instead of strict rules, Hansen prefers setting expectations for people to follow the group’s values.

He encourages improvement and learning from mistakes rather than punitive measures for those who fall short.

Final thoughts

Steve Hansen’s coaching approach emphasises kindness, care, and the human element.

His success stems from valuing people and processes over outcomes, focusing on simplicity, building trust, and prioritising the team.

These principles are not exclusive to rugby and can be applied universally.



Graeme Kilgour

Host of the How You Say It Podcast - Public Speaking, Communication, Engagement and Coaching