LEO Part 4

18 min readAug 27, 2023


Hello, friends.
Today I offer you to familiarize yourself with Leo Operators Reference. It seems to be a lot of information, but these examples are very easy to understand. In the future it will help you to write your own applications more easily.

You can read previous installments on Leo Language by clicking on the links below:

LEO Part 1
LEO Part 2
LEO Part 3

Leo Operators Reference

The following lists show the standard and cryptographic operators supported by Leo. The Leo operators compile down to Aleo instructions opcodes executable by the Aleo Virtual Machine (AVM).

Table of Standard Operators

Table of Cryptographic Operators


The following is the specification for each operator in the Leo compiler.


let a: i8 = -1i8;
let b: i8 = a.abs(); // 1i8


Computes the absolute value of the input, checking for overflow, storing the result in the destination.

For integer types, a constraint is added to check for underflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed, see the abs_wrapped instruction. This underflow happens when the input is the minimum value of a signed integer type. For example, abs -128i8 would result in underflow, since 128 cannot be represented as an i8.

Supported Types


let a: i8 = -128i8;
let b: i8 = a.abs_wrapped(); // -128i8


Compute the absolute value of the input, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the result in the destination.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 1u8;
let b: u8 = a + 1u8; // 2u8
let c: u8 = b.add(1u8); // 3u8


Adds first with second, storing the outcome in destination.

For integer types, a constraint is added to check for overflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the add_wrapped instruction.

Supported Types


let a: bool = true;
let b: bool = false;
assert(a); // will not halt
assert(b); // program halts


Checks whether the expression evaluates to a true boolean value, halting if evaluates to false.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 1u8;
let b: u8 = 2u8;
assert_eq(a, a); // will not halt
assert_eq(a, b); // program halts


Checks whether first and second are equal, halting if they are not equal.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 1u8;
let b: u8 = 2u8;
assert_neq(a, b); // will not halt
assert_neq(a, a); // program halts


Checks whether first and second are not equal, halting if they are equal.

Supported Types


transition matches(height: u32) {
return then finalize(height);
finalize matches(height: u32) {
assert_eq(height, block.height);


The block.height operator is used to fetch the latest block height in a Leo program. It represents the number of blocks in the chain. In the above example, block.height is used in a finalize context to fetch the latest block height in a program.


  • The block.height operator can only be used in a finalize context. Using it outside a finalize context will result in a compilation error.
  • The block.height operator doesn't take any parameters.

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let a: u8 = 4u8;
let b: u8 = a / 2u8; // 2u8
let c: u8 = b.div(2u8); // 1u8


Performs division of the first operand by the second, storing the result in the destination. The operation halts if division by zero is attempted.

For integer types, this operation performs truncated division. Truncated division rounds towards zero, regardless of the sign of the operands. This means it cuts off any digits after the decimal, leaving the largest whole number less than or equal to the result.

For example:

  1. 7 / 3 yields 2, not 2.3333.
  2. -7 / 3 yields -2, not -2.3333.

The operation halts if there is an underflow. Underflow occurs when dividing the minimum value of a signed integer type by -1. For example, -128i8 / -1i8 would result in underflow, since 128 cannot be represented as an i8.

For field types, division a / b is well-defined for any field values a and b except when b = 0field.

For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the div_wrapped instruction.

Supported Types


let a: i8 = -128i8;
let b: i8 = a.div_wrapped(-1i8); // -128i8


Divides first by second, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: group = (0, 4)group;
let b: group = a.double();


Doubles the input, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = 2u8 > 1u8; // true
let b: bool = 1u8.gt(1u8); // false


Checks if first is greater than second, storing the result in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = 2u8 >= 1u8; // true
let b: bool = 1u8.gte(1u8); // true


Checks if first is greater than or equal to second, storing the result in destination.

Supported Types


let a: field = 1field.inv();


Computes the multiplicative inverse of the input, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = 1u8 == 1u8; // true
let b: bool = 1u8.eq(2u8); // false


Compares first and second, storing the result in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = 1u8 != 1u8; // false
let b: bool = 1u8.neq(2u8); // true


Returns true if first is not equal to second, storing the result in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = 1u8 < 2u8; // true
let b: bool = 1u8.lt(1u8); // false


Checks if first is less than second, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = 1u8 <= 2u8; // true
let b: bool = 1u8.lte(1u8); // true


Checks if first is less than or equal to second, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 3u8.mod(2u8); // 1u8


Takes the modulus of first with respect to second, storing the outcome in destination. Halts if second is zero.

The semantics of this operation are consistent with the mathematical definition of modulo operation.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 2u8 * 2u8; // 4u8
let b: u8 = a.mul(2u8); // 8u8


Multiplies first with second, storing the outcome in destination.

For integer types, a constraint is added to check for overflow/underflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the mul_wrapped instruction.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 128u8.mul_wrapped(2u8); // 0u8


Multiplies first with second, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = true.nand(false); // true


Returns false only if first and second are true, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: i8 = -1i8.neg(); // 1i8


Negates first, storing the outcome in destination.

For signed integer types, calling neg on the minimum value is an invalid operation. For example, the input -128i8 would not be valid since 128 cannot be represented as an i8.

Supported Types


let a: bool = false.nor(false); // true


Returns true when neither first nor second is true, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Type


let a: bool = true.not(); // false


Perform a NOT operation on an integer (bitwise) or boolean input, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = true || false; // true
let b: bool = false.or(false); // false


Performs an OR operation on integer (bitwise) or boolean first and second, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 2u8 ** 2u8; // 4u8
let b: u8 = a.pow(2u8); // 16u8


Raises first to the power of second, storing the outcome in destination.

For integer types, a constraint is added to check for overflow/underflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the pow_wrapped instruction.

Supported Types

Magnitude can be a U8, U16, or U32.


let a: u8 = 16u8.pow_wrapped(2u8); // 0u8


Raises first to the power of second, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types

Magnitude can be a U8, U16, or U32.


let a: u8 = 3u8 % 2u8; // 1u8
let b: u8 = 4u8.rem(2u8); // 0u8


Computes the truncated remainder of first divided by second, storing the outcome in destination. Halts on division by zero.

A constraint is added to check for underflow. This underflow happens when the associated division operation, div, underflows.

For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the rem_wrapped instruction.

Supported Types


let a: i8 = -128i8;
let b: i8 = a.rem_wrapped(-1i8); // 0i8


Computes the truncated remainder of first divided by second, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 1u8 << 1u8; // 2u8
let b: u8 = a.shl(1u8); // 4u8


Shifts first left by second bits, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types

Magnitude can be a U8, U16, or U32.


let a: u8 = 128u8.shl_wrapped(1u8); // 0u8


Shifts first left by second bits, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types

Magnitude can be a U8, U16, or U32.


let a: u8 = 4u8 >> 1u8; // 2u8
let b: u8 = a.shr(1u8); // 1u8


Shifts first right by second bits, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types

Magnitude can be a U8, U16, or U32.


let a: u8 = 128u8.shr_wrapped(7u8); // 1u8


Shifts first right by second bits, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types

Magnitude can be a U8, U16, or U32.


let a: field = 1field.square(); // 1field


Squares the input, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: field = 1field.square_root(); // 1field


Computes the square root of the input, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 2u8 - 1u8; // 1u8
let b: u8 = a.sub(1u8); // 0u8


Computes first - second, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = 0u8.sub_wrapped(1u8); // 255u8


Computes first - second, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let a: u8 = true ? 1u8 : 2u8; // 1u8


Selects first, if condition is true, otherwise selects second, storing the result in destination.

Supported Types


let a: bool = true.xor(false); // true


Performs a XOR operation on integer (bitwise) or boolean first and second, storing the outcome in destination.

Supported Types


let g: group = group::GEN; // the group generator


Returns the generator of the algebraic group that the group type consists of.

The compilation of Leo is based on an elliptic curve, whose points form a group, and on a specified point on that curve, which generarates a subgroup, whose elements form the type group.

This is a constant, not a function. Thus, it takes no inputs, and just returns an output.

It is an associated constant, whose name is GEN and whose associated type is group.

Supported Types


let result: address = ChaCha::rand_address();
let result: bool = ChaCha::rand_bool();
let result: field = ChaCha::rand_field();
let result: group = ChaCha::rand_group();
let result: i8 = ChaCha::rand_i8();
let result: i16 = ChaCha::rand_i16();
let result: i32 = ChaCha::rand_i32();
let result: i64 = ChaCha::rand_i64();
let result: i128 = ChaCha::rand_i128();
let result: u8 = ChaCha::rand_u8();
let result: u16 = ChaCha::rand_u16();
let result: u32 = ChaCha::rand_u32();
let result: u64 = ChaCha::rand_u64();
let result: u128 = ChaCha::rand_u128();
let result: scalar = ChaCha::rand_scalar();


Returns a random value with the destination type. Must be used in a finalize context

Supported Types


let salt: scalar = ChaCha::rand_scalar();
let a: address = BHP256::commit_to_address(1u8, salt);
let b: field = BHP256::commit_to_field(2i64, salt);
let c: group = BHP256::commit_to_group(1field, salt);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen commitment on inputs of 256-bit chunks in first, and some randomness in second, storing the commitment in destination. Randomness should always be a Scalar value, and the produced commitment can be an Address, Field or, Group value.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.

Supported Types


let salt: scalar = ChaCha::rand_scalar();
let a: address = BHP512::commit_to_address(1u8, salt);
let b: field = BHP512::commit_to_field(2i64, salt);
let c: group = BHP512::commit_to_group(1field, salt);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen commitment on inputs of 512-bit chunks in first, and some randomness in second, storing the commitment in destination. Randomness should always be a Scalar value, and the produced commitment will always be a Group value.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.

Supported Types


let salt: scalar = ChaCha::rand_scalar();
let a: address = BHP768::commit_to_address(1u8, salt);
let b: field = BHP768::commit_to_field(2i64, salt);
let c: group = BHP768::commit_to_group(1field, salt);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen commitment on inputs of 768-bit chunks in first, and some randomness in second, storing the commitment in destination. Randomness should always be a Scalar value, and the produced commitment will always be a Group value.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.

Supported Types


let salt: scalar = ChaCha::rand_scalar();
let a: address = BHP1024::commit_to_address(1u8, salt);
let b: field = BHP1024::commit_to_field(2i64, salt);
let c: group = BHP1024::commit_to_group(1field, salt);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen commitment on inputs of 1024-bit chunks in first, and some randomness in second, storing the commitment in destination. Randomness should always be a Scalar value, and the produced commitment will always be a Group value.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.

Supported Types


let salt: scalar = ChaCha::rand_scalar();
let a: address = Pedersen64::commit_to_address(1u8, salt);
let b: field = Pedersen64::commit_to_field(2i64, salt);
let c: group = Pedersen64::commit_to_group(1field, salt);


Computes a Pedersen commitment up to a 64-bit input in first, and some randomness in second, storing the commitment in destination. Randomness should always be a Scalar value, and the produced commitment will always be a Group value.

The instruction will halt if the given Struct value exceeds the 64-bit limit.

Supported Types


let salt: scalar = ChaCha::rand_scalar();
let a: address = Pedersen64::commit_to_address(1u8, salt);
let b: field = Pedersen64::commit_to_field(2i64, salt);
let c: group = Pedersen64::commit_to_group(1field, salt);


Computes a Pedersen commitment up to a 128-bit input in first, and some randomness in second, storing the commitment in destination. Randomness should always be a Scalar value, and the produced commitment will always be a Group value.

The instruction will halt if the given Struct value exceeds the 128-bit limit.

Supported Types


let result: address = BHP256::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = BHP256::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = BHP256::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = BHP256::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = BHP256::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = BHP256::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = BHP256::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = BHP256::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = BHP256::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = BHP256::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = BHP256::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = BHP256::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = BHP256::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = BHP256::hash_to_u128(1field);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen hash on inputs of 256-bit chunks in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.

Supported Types


let result: address = BHP512::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = BHP512::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = BHP512::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = BHP512::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = BHP512::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = BHP512::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = BHP512::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = BHP512::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = BHP512::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = BHP512::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = BHP512::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = BHP512::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = BHP512::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = BHP512::hash_to_u128(1field);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen hash on inputs of 512-bit chunks in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.

Supported Types


let result: address = BHP768::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = BHP768::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = BHP768::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = BHP768::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = BHP768::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = BHP768::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = BHP768::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = BHP768::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = BHP768::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = BHP768::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = BHP768::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = BHP768::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = BHP768::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = BHP768::hash_to_u128(1field);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen hash on inputs of 768-bit chunks in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.

Supported Types


let result: address = BHP1024::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = BHP1024::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = BHP1024::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = BHP1024::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = BHP1024::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = BHP1024::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = BHP1024::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = BHP1024::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = BHP1024::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = BHP1024::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = BHP1024::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = BHP1024::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = BHP1024::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = BHP1024::hash_to_u128(1field);


Computes a Bowe-Hopwood-Pedersen hash on inputs of 1024-bit chunks in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.

Supported Types


let result: address = Pedersen64::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = Pedersen64::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = Pedersen64::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = Pedersen64::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = Pedersen64::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = Pedersen64::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = Pedersen64::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = Pedersen64::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = Pedersen64::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = Pedersen64::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = Pedersen64::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = Pedersen64::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = Pedersen64::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = Pedersen64::hash_to_u128(1field);


Computes a Pedersen hash up to a 64-bit input in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

The instruction will halt if the given Struct value exceeds the 64-bit limit.

Supported Types


let result: address = Pedersen128::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = Pedersen128::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = Pedersen128::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = Pedersen128::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = Pedersen128::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = Pedersen128::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = Pedersen128::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = Pedersen128::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = Pedersen128::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = Pedersen128::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = Pedersen128::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = Pedersen128::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = Pedersen128::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = Pedersen128::hash_to_u128(1field);


Computes a Pedersen hash up to a 128-bit input in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

The instruction will halt if the given Struct value exceeds the 64-bit limit.

Supported Types


let result: address = Poseidon2::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = Poseidon2::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = Poseidon2::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = Poseidon2::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = Poseidon2::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = Poseidon2::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = Poseidon2::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = Poseidon2::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = Poseidon2::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = Poseidon2::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = Poseidon2::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = Poseidon2::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = Poseidon2::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = Poseidon2::hash_to_u128(1field);


Calculates a Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2, from an input in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

Supported Types


let result: address = Poseidon4::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = Poseidon4::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = Poseidon4::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = Poseidon4::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = Poseidon4::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = Poseidon4::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = Poseidon4::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = Poseidon4::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = Poseidon4::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = Poseidon4::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = Poseidon4::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = Poseidon4::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = Poseidon4::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = Poseidon4::hash_to_u128(1field);


Calculates a Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4, from an input in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

Supported Types


let result: address = Poseidon8::hash_to_address(1u8);
let result: field = Poseidon8::hash_to_field(2i64);
let result: group = Poseidon8::hash_to_group(1field);
let result: scalar = Poseidon8::hash_to_scalar(1field);
let result: i8 = Poseidon8::hash_to_i8(1field);
let result: i16 = Poseidon8::hash_to_i16(1field);
let result: i32 = Poseidon8::hash_to_i32(1field);
let result: i64 = Poseidon8::hash_to_i64(1field);
let result: i128 = Poseidon8::hash_to_i128(1field);
let result: u8 = Poseidon8::hash_to_u8(1field);
let result: u16 = Poseidon8::hash_to_u16(1field);
let result: u32 = Poseidon8::hash_to_u32(1field);
let result: u64 = Poseidon8::hash_to_u64(1field);
let result: u128 = Poseidon8::hash_to_u128(1field);


Calculates a Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8, from an input in first, storing the hash in destination. The produced hash will always be an arithmetic (U8, U16, U32, U64, U128, I8, I16, I32,I64,I128, Field, Group, or Scalar) or Address value, as specified via hash_to_DESTINATION at the end of the function.

Supported Types

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