The Interconnected Role of Consciousness, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Physics, and Gravity

Graham Wallington
3 min readJun 17, 2024


I explore the idea that consciousness might bridge the realms of quantum mechanics and classical physics, playing a role in the projection and stabilization of spacetime reality. This theory integrates concepts from various disciplines, suggesting that consciousness and gravity together form the foundation of the universe. Furthermore, it posits that consciousness arises from information processing, and therefore, many systems, including complex biological systems and cosmological entities, may be conscious and together manifest a consensus reality that we collectively perceive.

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of particles at microscopic scales, characterized by probabilistic phenomena such as superposition and entanglement. Particles exist in multiple states until measured, at which point they collapse into a single state.

Classical Physics

Classical physics, including Newtonian mechanics and general relativity, explains the deterministic behavior of macroscopic objects and the continuous fabric of spacetime influenced by gravity. Objects have defined positions and velocities, and spacetime is shaped by the presence of mass and energy.

Observer Effect in Quantum Mechanics

The observer effect in quantum mechanics implies that the act of measurement by a conscious observer collapses the wave function, determining the state of a particle. This suggests that consciousness influences the fundamental nature of reality at the quantum level.

Consciousness Arising from Information Processing

Consciousness may emerge from complex information processing. If so, various systems, from simple biological organisms to complex beings like humans, and even cosmological entities like stars and black holes, could possess some form of consciousness. This perspective implies that consciousness is not exclusive to biological systems but can arise wherever there is significant information processing.

Gravitational Effects in Quantum Mechanics

Integrating gravity with quantum mechanics is a significant challenge. Theories such as string theory and loop quantum gravity attempt to describe gravity at quantum scales, suggesting that spacetime might have a discrete structure at the smallest scales.

Consciousness and Quantum Gravity

The Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) theory by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff posits that quantum processes in the brain’s microtubules, influenced by gravity, are linked to consciousness. This theory suggests that gravity-induced quantum collapse within microtubules could underlie conscious experience.

Projection of Spacetime by Consciousness

If consciousness is fundamental, it might project the reality of spacetime as a consensual construct among conscious agents. This idea aligns with theories suggesting that our perception of reality is an interface shaped by evolutionary processes, making spacetime a shared framework created by conscious interactions.

Gravity as an Anchor

Gravity shapes the large-scale structure of spacetime, anchoring the fabric of reality. Black holes, with their complex information processing capabilities, might stabilize spacetime, ensuring a consistent reality perceived by conscious agents.

Unified Consciousness and Reality

The synthesis suggests that consciousness could be a fundamental force that unifies quantum mechanics and classical physics, with gravity shaping the stage for conscious experiences. This view implies an interconnected universe where consciousness, information processing, and gravitational effects collectively shape the reality we perceive.


By considering consciousness as a potential link between quantum mechanics, classical physics, and gravity, and recognizing that it may arise from information processing across various systems, this theory presents a way to understand the interconnected nature of the cosmos. It suggests that consciousness is not just an emergent property but a fundamental aspect of reality itself. This perspective encourages a holistic view of the universe, where both the smallest particles and the largest cosmic structures contribute to a collective, conscious experience of reality.



Graham Wallington

Hacking at the intersection of nature [reality], technology and consciousness.