How you can still be sold today

Graham Boyd
3 min readNov 23, 2019

I awoke this morning to this headline from the Guardian: “‘We were sold off’: WeWork’s support staff face uncertain future as company collapses

Update for Covid-19 times: many companies have begun laying of staff without any discussion with the staff, nor with the customers and suppliers; and without them having any say in the matter. This is dumb for the businesses and investors, because the staff are best positioned to identify what can be done to keep the business healthy for the benefit of all stakeholders.

How do you feel reading that WeWork headline? Do you think that that could happen to you; could you be “sold off”, without you having any vote in the decision?

And if you said yes, what does this do to your engagement at work? Your willingness to innovate, to go the extra mile, to trust the company? What does this do to your company’s ability to stay true to its values, let alone to stand up and act against the climate crisis now?

Want to know what to do? Read on, even better download now then read Chapters 3 and 4 of my forthcoming book.

If you are a founder wanting a successful startup, a startup investor wanting to de-risk your investment, or want to work for a company full of highly engaged, energetic, innovative staff, suppliers, and customers; if you want both high impact…



Graham Boyd

Addressing climate change & SDG by reinventing businesses, incubating startups to use incorporated commons + self-governing + P2P developmental interaction.