Kylie and Friedrich — A Gothic Love Story (Part 1)

Graham Anderson
6 min readApr 10, 2016
Adventures of Swag — Episode 5 — Kylie and Friedrich — A Love Story (Part 1)

For oceans of time, I have feasted upon your raven beauty. Kylie, you hacked, clawed, and slashed out of Season 1’s primordial ooze. At present, you reign as Kardashian queen. Your lust for power makes me weep.

By Season 10, I couldn’t contain my love — and rage. Kylie, in that moment, I knew that we are two wandering souls meant to seize everlasting love — and power.

Every moment apart, are we not tortured spirits? This wretched purgatory ends now. Kylie, you must know my blackened heart.

Kylie, the world is jealous of our exceptionalism. They don’t understand the risks we have taken — to be become what we are. Kylie, we choose to be free — we cannot be contained. The bones of our oppressors will crack. Their marrow — our sustenance. We’ll delight in their fatal conceits.

I Know You

For an eternity, I have gazed upon your heart. So many seasons passed. Enraptured, I hungered. My eyes — boiling within their sockets…

