Graham Armstrong
2 min readMar 28, 2023

Why the DCEU Failed: A Look at the Missteps of DC's Cinematic Universe

Since the launch of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2008, superhero movies have dominated the box office. But while Marvel has enjoyed unparalleled success, DC's attempts to replicate that success with their own cinematic universe, the DCEU, have fallen short. Despite having some of the most iconic superheroes in the world, the DCEU has struggled to find its footing, with a string of underwhelming films that have left fans disappointed. So, why did the DCEU fail? Let's take a look at some of the missteps that led to its downfall.

Lack of Cohesion
One of the biggest problems with the DCEU is its lack of cohesion. Unlike the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which had a clear plan from the beginning, the DCEU has been a hodgepodge of conflicting visions and creative decisions. Each film has felt like it was made in a vacuum, with little regard for how it fits into the larger universe. This lack of cohesion has made it difficult for fans to invest in the world-building of the DCEU, as each film seems to exist in its own separate universe.

Rushed Production
Another problem with the DCEU is its rushed production. In an attempt to catch up to Marvel, DC rushed to get their cinematic universe off the ground, with little thought given to the quality of the films themselves. This resulted in several undercooked and poorly executed films, such as "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Justice League", which failed to live up to fan expectations.

Misuse of Characters
DC has some of the most iconic superheroes in the world, but the DCEU has failed to make the most of them. In many cases, characters have been misused or poorly developed, leaving fans feeling shortchanged. The portrayal of Superman, in particular, has been a sticking point for many fans, with the character feeling more like a brooding, angsty anti-hero than the beacon of hope he is meant to be.

Dark and Gritty Tone
Another misstep of the DCEU has been its dark and gritty tone. While Marvel has found success with its lighter, more comedic approach, DC has opted for a more serious, somber tone that has turned off many viewers. This tone has been particularly jarring in films like "Suicide Squad", which tried to inject humor into an otherwise dark and brooding film.

Studio Interference
Finally, one of the biggest problems with the DCEU has been studio interference. Reports have surfaced of executives meddling with the creative process, forcing changes to scripts and storylines. This has led to a lack of consistency in the films and has undermined the vision of the filmmakers.

In conclusion, the DCEU failed because of a combination of factors, including a lack of cohesion, rushed production, misuse of characters, a dark and gritty tone, and studio interference. While DC still has some of the most iconic superheroes in the world, they will need to make significant changes to their approach if they hope to replicate the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Graham Armstrong

I'm a published author and poet with a passion for all things film