No More Control Ch. 03

Graham Jerry
5 min readAug 30, 2020


Wide eyed and amazed. Sonya just stood there not knowing what to think. Her boss literally told her to not work for a month and still get paid. All she did was work. Even the internet was just there to fill in the gaps before she went to bed to go back to work. She had no real talent, interests or hobbies. Work was her existence. Anxiety began to set in. What was she going to do? The towel was barely holding on her body. Sony was oblivious once again to her exposure.Reluctantly, Marietta asked, “I thought you were going to get dressed? Are you sure you are ok? Who was that on the phone?”Snapping out of her daze, Sonya looked down at her body once again feeling the breeze around her legs and ass. The rough coarse sandpaper towel had fallen further from her body and she felt more comfortable. “I’m pretty sure I’m ok,” Sonya said half heatedly. A part of her didn’t want to get dressed. Marietta walked out the bedroom. “I’ll let you get dressed,” she said trying to hide disappointment in her voice. She didn’t want her best friend to know her secret yet. Sonya felt different. It took her much longer than normal to put her clothes on. It’s like her hands were moving slower than her thoughts. It was very apparent while touching fabric. Even looking at clothing was hard for her to focus on. She figured it must be side effects of her event yesterday or maybe the doctors injected her with something while she was in the hospital. She did wonder how she wound up sleeping on the floor last night or how she slept through her phone ringing multiple times. She decided to keep her phone close in case she had another incident.She settled on a pair of panties, a sports bra, sweatpants and t shirt. For some reason, the fabric on her skin was not as comfortable as it used to be. She was going to put on a shirt, but she figured to just settle for the sports bra. Marietta had seen it all now; it won’t hurt to show a little skin. Then a mischievous thought went through her mind. She could just go out there naked and not worry about clothes. As if against her will, her nipples hardened and she felt a rush of arousal. She had never felt this before. This sudden physical response made her anxious and scared. In response to her fear, her body immediately ceased arousal. Sonya had regained control. She quickly dismissed those thoughts the best she could. She should not go naked in front of her friend on purpose after all. “No one wants to see me naked all the time,” she thought.Marietta went to the kitchen to get a soda. She still couldn’t get the vision of naked Sonya out of her mind. She wanted to see her naked again. Looking over to her now dressed friend she asked, “Sonya, what was the phone call about?” She took note of the fact she was only wearing a sports bra up top. Being careful not to stare too long at her chest and perfect brown skin, Marietta willed herself to make eye contact. She was unbearably horny. She needed a new pair of panties.”I have a whole month off from work. Mr. James wants me to take it easy before I come back to work since I’ve never taken vacation from my job,” Sonya said.”He’s right, you should take care of yourself. Live a little!” “What am I going to do with all this free time Marie? Find another man to dump my boring ass?”, Sonya said pitifully.”Stop that shit right now!” Marietta said firmly. “One thing you will not do is sulk for a month! Get a grip! I’ve been single as long as you have and you don’t see me making a sob story.”Marietta was secretly fond of her best friend. She’s the only woman who she could consider herself being a lesbian for. It was true that she has also had a few lack-luster relationships. However her bi-sexual nature and her feelings for Sonya got in the way of really connecting with another man. Marietta knew Sonya was in denial about her depression and knew how important it was to help maintain her friend’s mental health. One would say she’s friend zoned but the friend has no clue there are real feelings involved.Sonya was fully aware of her situation and how her bland lifestyle and lack of change had an impact on her well being. “You are right. I’m sorry for being negative. Give me some time to figure something out. We should go out and do something soon. How about next weekend Marie?” Looking back at her friend Marrietta was smiling “Sounds good Sonya. I need to go now. I told my boss why I was late today, you know it gets on Saturday shift. I’ll catch up with you later!” Marietta bounded down the stairs amazed at how lucky she was to see Sonya naked again! While they were standing there talking, Sonya had begun taking off her sweatpants and they fell to the floor. She shifted her weight while standing and stepped out of her pants without acknowledgment or breaking eye contact while she was talking. It was like her body and brain had a disconnect as to what was the appropriate behavior for that given moment. Moving with perfect balance, she began to remove her other clothes.Sonya’s panties, shirt, and bra soon followed. It was like her hands were moving independently of her brain and she was totally unaware of her actions. Sonya didn’t miss a beat. Marietta kept a straight face the whole time secretly smiling on the inside. She was very horny and very wet and worked hard to control her breathing. She’s glad she wore jeans that day. She knew a wet spot had formed and would probably be very visible had she worn a lighter color fabric.Marietta knows her friend definitely has had some trauma but her new behavior is so interesting! She doesn’t want Sonya to stop. Sonya even walked across her apartment naked and stood in the wide open door waving at her friend as she walked down the stairs.Marietta wanted her to stay naked. Sonya was oblivious that she took her clothes off.

